Takaoka Muneyasu

Takaoka Muneyasu (高岡宗泰, 1255 – August 13, 1326) was a Shugodai of Oki Province[1] in the Kamakura period. He was the founder of the Takaoka clan in Izumo Province,[1] Japan.

Takaoka Muneyasu was the 8th son of Sasaki Yasukiyo.[2] His mother was Kasai Kiyochika's daughter. Muneyasu was Enya Yoriyasu's[3] younger brother.

He was originally named Minamoto no Muneyasu. His alias was "Takaoka Hachirō" or "Sasaki Hachirō". His wife was from the Ii clan (Izumo Province). His official rank was Saemonnojyō. His family crest was Hana-wachigai (Shippō-ni-hanakaku).

Hana-wachigai or Shippō-ni-hanakaku, the crest of the Takaoka clan

Brief history


  1. ^ a b present day Shimane Prefecture,
  2. ^ "Sonpi Bunmyaku", Tōin Kinsada, 1395.
  3. ^ Enya Yoriyasu was the grandfather of Enya Hangan Takasada.
  4. ^ "Gakuenji monjyo"
  5. ^ "Gunjyo-ruijyu", Hanawa Hokiichi, 1819.

See also