Head of the Chuvash Republic

The position of the Head of the Chuvash Republic,[a] (formerly the President of the Chuvash Republic[b] until 2011), is the highest office within the Government of the Chuvash Republic in Russia. The Head is elected directly by the people. Term of service is five years.[2]

List of officeholders

The latest election for the office was held on 13 September 2020.


  1. ^ "Закон Чувашской ССР от 17 октября 1991 г. "О Президенте Чувашской ССР"" [Law of the Chuvash SSR of 17 October 1991 "On the President of the Chuvash SSR"]. (in Russian).
  2. ^ Constitution of the Chuvash Republic, Article 68.
  3. ^ "Election results". Central Election Commission (in Russian). Archived from the original on 2020-10-15. Retrieved 2023-03-05.


  1. ^ Russian: Глава Чувашской Республики, romanizedGlava Chuvashskoy Respubliki; Chuvash: Чӑваш Республикин Пуçлӑхӗ, romanized: Çăvaş Respublikin Puślăhĕ
  2. ^ Russian: Президент Чувашской Республики, romanizedPrezident Chuvashskoy Respubliki; Chuvash: Чăваш Республикин Президенчĕ, romanized: Çăvaş Respublikin Prezidençĕ
  3. ^ Acting.
  4. ^ Endorsed by United Russia and A Just Russia — For Truth.

External links