
Oblomov (Russian: Обломов; [ɐˈbɫoməf]) is the second novel by Russian writer Ivan Goncharov, first published in 1859. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is the central character of the novel, portrayed as the ultimate incarnation of the superfluous man, a symbolic character in 19th-century Russian literature. Oblomov is a young, generous nobleman who seems incapable of making important decisions or undertaking any significant actions. Throughout the novel, he rarely leaves his room or bed. In the first 50 pages, he only manages to move from his bed to a chair.[1]

The novel was popular when it came out, and some of its characters and devices have imprinted on Russian culture and language.

Creation and publication

Goncharov first thought of writing Oblomov in the mid-1840s, soon after publishing his first novel A Common Story.[2] In 1849 he wrote "Episode from an Unfinished Novel: Oblomov's Dream", a short story that was published in the literary journal Sovremennik.[2] At that point Goncharov had just started writing his novel, and Oblomov was published ten years later, with "Oblomov's Dream" as Chapter 9 in Part 1.

The character that would become Oblomov originally appeared in 1838 in the Maikovs' handwritten magazine written by Goncharov, as one of the protagonists in "Likhaia bolest". Nikon Ustinovich Tiazhelemko, or the pre-Oblomov Oblomov, was a slothful but rather endearing man whose name evokes in Russian the attribute "heavy" (tjažólyj wikt:тяжёлый) and the expression "slow to move" (tjažólyj na podʺjóm wikt:тяжёлый на подъём).[3] The work on Oblomov continued for several years after the publication of "Oblomov's Dream" but was first interrupted by the death of Goncharov's mother, and then his decision to join the around the world voyage of the naval frigate Pallas. When Pallas finally ended its journey in August 1854 in Russia's far east, Goncharov spent another half a year getting acquainted with Siberia and slowly making his way back to St. Petersburg. Although Goncharov was not working on Oblomov during his long journey it appears he was thinking about the book, as Oblomov shows up in many of his letters home. When he tried to begin writing again in February 1855, he blamed his delays and inability to write on exhaustion, loss of momentum, and a new and more demanding job as a censor.[3] The summer of 1857 finally found Goncharov, alone in Marienbad, completely exhilarated and writing Oblomov in full swing. By the end of August the novel was complete. He spent the following year revising and rewriting the novel until finally on January 14, 1859, Oblomov was published serially in Otechestvennye zapiski.[3]

A later edition in 1862 included a number of changes made by Goncharov. An 1887 edition also featured revisions to the 1859 text and was his last approved edition. Scholars do not agree on which text should be considered canonical.[4]

Plot summary

The novel focuses on the life of the main character, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Oblomov is a member of the upper middle class and the son of a member of Russia's nineteenth-century landed gentry. Oblomov's distinguishing characteristic is his slothful attitude towards life. Oblomov raises this trait to an art form, conducting his little daily business from his bed.

The first part of the book finds Oblomov in bed one morning. He receives a letter from the manager of his country estate, Oblomovka, explaining that the financial situation is deteriorating and that he must visit to make some major decisions. But Oblomov can barely leave his bedroom, much less journey a thousand miles into the country.

As he sleeps, a dream reveals Oblomov's upbringing in Oblomovka. He is never required to work or perform household duties, and his parents constantly pull him from school for vacations and trips or for trivial reasons. In contrast, his friend Andrey Stoltz, born to a German father and a Russian mother, is raised in a strict, disciplined environment, and he is dedicated and hard-working.

Stoltz visits at the end of Part 1, finally rousing Oblomov from sleep. As the story develops, Stoltz introduces Oblomov to a young woman, Olga, and the two fall in love. However, his apathy and fear of moving forward are too great, and she calls off their engagement when it is clear that he will keep delaying their wedding and avoiding putting his affairs in order.

Oblomov is swindled repeatedly by his "friends" Taranteyev and Ivan Matveyevich, his landlady's brother, and Stoltz has to undo the damage each time. The last time, Oblomov ends up living in penury because Taranteyev and Ivan Matveyevich are blackmailing him out of all of his income from the country estate, which lasts for over a year before Stoltz discovers the situation and reports Ivan Matveyevich to his supervisor. Meanwhile, Olga leaves Russia and visits Paris, where she bumps into Stoltz on the street. The two strike up a romance and end up marrying.

However, not even Oblomov could go through life without at least one moment of self-possession and purpose. When Taranteyev's behavior at last reaches insufferable lows, Oblomov confronts him, slaps him, and finally kicks him out of the house. Sometime before his death he is visited by Stoltz, who had promised to his wife a last attempt at bringing Oblomov back to the world. During this visit Stoltz discovers that Oblomov has married his widowed landlady, Agafia Matvievna, and had a child – named Andrey, after Stoltz. Stoltz realizes that he can no longer hope to reform Oblomov, and leaves. Oblomov spends the rest of his life in a second Oblomovka, continuing to be taken care of by Agafia Matvievna as he used to be taken care of as a child. She can prepare the food he likes, cares for the household, and makes sure that Oblomov does not have a single worrisome thought.

By then Oblomov had already accepted his fate, and during the conversation he mentions "Oblomovitis" as the real cause of his demise. Oblomov dies in his sleep, finally fulfilling his wish to sleep forever. Stoltz adopts his son upon his death.




The narrator of Oblomov appears as a rather traditional third person narrator. In the beginning of the novel he is largely invisible and lets the characters do the talking. As the novel progresses he comes far less neutral and actually begins to not only describe the characters but he begins to judge them, like criticizing Oblomov's family for being overly protective of Ilya as a child, or calling Oblomov's false friends "parasites."[3] The narrator's strongly developed moralizing tendencies are constantly upset by an equally strong note of ambivalence that undermines his judgements. The narrator seems to be someone who may wish he knew the answers but is honest enough to admit that he does not. Goncharov is eager by the end of the novel to make a distinction between himself and the narrator by making the narrator an invented character. However, Goncharov chooses to reveal the identity of the narrator only when the revelation would not affect our reading of the novel. There are many moments when the narrator reveals himself to be uncharacteristically chatty, digressive, and not entirely "reliable".[3]

Characterizations and depictions

Goncharov used a lot of dialogue within his works. Therefore, the characters in Oblomov reveal themselves primarily through their own speech, with very limited comments by the author. The "colloquial exchanges here coexist with long passages that characterize the novel's inhabitants more directly."[3]


Title page of the 1915 English translation by C. J. Hogarth

Stages of life

Goncharov wrote three novels over the course of his life: The Same Old Story, Oblomov, and The Precipice. Each novel was based heavily on autobiographical material, focusing on different epochs of life – specifically, infancy and childhood as influenced by the mother; then the "awakening of adolescence"; and finally adulthood as associated with St. Petersburg, government work, and marriage.[2] The main characters of all three books share multiple important similarities: their fathers have either been absent or largely insignificant in their upbringings, they rely heavily on their mothers even past childhood, and they travel to St. Petersburg during their university years. Goncharov himself lost his father at the age of seven, and worked in St. Petersburg as a translator after graduating from Moscow State University. Aduev, the protagonist of The Same Old Story, also isolates himself from reality and prefers to live within his imagination much like Oblomov does.[2]

With these thematically linked protagonists, Goncharov envisioned Oblomov as part of a thematic "trilogy", fitting between his other two novels. Goncharov imagined his novels as different reflections of a single personality; "they are but one tremendous structure, one mirror reflecting in miniature three epochs: Old Life, Sleep, and Awakening."[2] Aduev, Oblomov, and Raysky (the protagonist of The Precipce) therefore form "but one personality in its successive rebirths."[2] Oblomov represents the epoch of "Sleep" in Goncharov's vision. Yet many literary critics have found Goncharov's vision to be lacking. Belinsky and Dobrolyubov, two well-known literary critics who wrote famous reviews of Goncharov's works, failed to recognize a larger connection between Oblomov and Goncharov's other novels.[2]


Oblomov spends much of his adult life attempting to remain within his childhood, a time that he remembers for its peacefulness and the safety provided by his mother. His memory of childhood in Oblomovka is dominated by its cyclical time, with "births, celebrations, faces take the places of the old, baby boys grow into marriageable young men who duly marry and reproduce themselves. Such is the pattern according to which life weaves itself this seamless length of identical fabric to be snipped gently only at the grave itself."[5] The Oblomovka of his childhood keeps track of time through the cyclical events of birth, death, and natural seasons, relying on the repetition of events to pass through life. Even Oblomov's name and patronymic, Ilya Ilyich, reveal him as a repeat of his father instead of just a son.[6] This instilling of contentment through repetition renders Oblomov ill-equipped for the expectations placed on his adulthood in a rapidly changing society.


Adulthood constantly discourages Oblomov, whose main desire is to retreat into the safety of his childhood sense of time.[7] He attempts to take on jobs and responsibilities for Oblomovka, but upon realizing the tasks these require, he becomes easily defeated and retreats into metaphorical and literal sleep. Even his desire to return to Oblomovka cannot be realized, as the estate has fallen into disarray and has now become a responsibility instead of a safe haven. His main foray into adulthood comes about through Olga, who attempts to motivate him to take on responsibilities out of love for her. Particularly for Oblomov, adulthood means changing his cyclical sense of time to continually look forward instead of back.[6] Yet he remains stuck within his childhood desire for things to stay put; loving Olga means that he does not wish to change her like she wishes to change him, but his sense of time prevents him from thinking of the future, and he therefore cannot progress into adulthood by marrying her.[6]

Stoltz, in contrast, exemplifies society's expectations for adulthood in his eagerness to move forward. His own childhood is marked heavily by his father's insistence on treating him as an adult and teaching him the importance of accomplishment, which carries into his adulthood. Stoltz, unlike Oblomov, sees his life as a straight line and is therefore driven by the desire to continually move forward.[6]


The words Oblomovism and Oblomovitis (translations of Russian: обломовщина oblomovshchina) refer to the fatalistic slothfulness that Oblomov exhibits.

Николай Добролюбов в статье 1859 года «Что такое обломовщина?» [8] описал это слово как неотъемлемую часть русского авось . Штольц предполагает, что смерть Обломова была результатом «обломовщины». [5]

Однако Элейн Блэр утверждает в «Короткой счастливой жизни Ильи Ильича Обломова», что Обломов «не просто ленив». Она просто говорит: «наш герой предпочитает очень кратковременные удовольствия долгосрочным», «он застенчив так, как не был бы ни один фарсовый персонаж или раблезианский гротеск» и «Обломову быть поглощенным каким-либо задача — потерять что-то от себя; человек может сохранить полное достоинство только в покое». [9]

Персонаж по имени «Обломов» в мемуарах мецената Пегги Гуггенхайм « Из этого века» был идентифицирован поэтом Стивеном Спендером как Сэмюэл Беккет , ее бывший любовник. [10]

Социальные изменения в России

Место Обломова в контексте русской истории стало предметом многих литературных критиков, когда оно было впервые опубликовано. Сам Гончаров думал об «Обломове» скорее как о трактате о человеческой природе, чем как о комментарии к российскому обществу, [2] но Добролюбов уделял большое внимание Обломову и Штольцу как социальным и этическим антитезам; Обломов стал аллегорией ненужности русской аристократии в то время, когда крепостное право вскоре должно было быть отменено. [6] Этот контраст еще больше усиливается именем Штольц, что по-немецки означает гордость. Как представитель старого дворянства, инертность и страх перемен Обломова представляют собой старые социально-экономические идеалы, которые стали неуместными на протяжении всего XIX века. Штольц и Ольга становятся главными связями Обломова в представлении России, но Обломов в конечном итоге отвергает социальные изменения, которые они представляют, когда он женится на Агафье и проживает остаток своей жизни во второй Обломовке. [7]

Несмотря на собственную инерцию Обломова, Обломовка успешно интегрируется в нынешнюю Россию благодаря усилиям Штольца по модернизации. Штольц вводит новую инфраструктуру и образование для крестьян Обломовки, а также увеличивает прибыль. Но точно так же, как в России больше нет места для Обломова, в России еще нет места для Штольца как лидера социальных перемен, и Штольц постоянно путешествует по разным странам вместо того, чтобы оставаться в России по делам. Таким образом, Ольга становится связующим звеном между прошлой и будущей Россией в своей любви к Обломову и в браке со Штольцем. [7]

Литературная критика

Almost immediately upon its release in 1859, Oblomov became the subject of much discussion and literary criticism, due in large part to Dobrolyubov's essay "What is Oblomovism?". Today it is still seen as a classic of 19th century Russian literature, and a quintessential Russian novel.[11]

"What is Oblomovism?" focused heavily on the social significance of the novel, interpreting Stoltz and Olga as social ideals in contrast to Oblomov's reliance on the past. Dobrolyubov, a follower of Vissarion Belinsky and a leading literary critic, believed strongly that literature should promote positive change, and his essay praised Oblomov as an effective warning against the Russian social disease of "Oblomovism".[2] Aside from introducing Oblomov to a large literary circle, the essay catalyzed Oblomov's presence as a novel of social significance and became Dobrolyubov's best-known work. Goncharov himself was happy with Dobrolyubov's interpretation, writing that "there is nothing left to be said about Oblomovism, that is its meaning, after the publication of this article."[2]

Another critic, Alexander Druzhinin, focused on the psychological and literary aspects of Oblomov, instead of the historical context. Rather than interpreting characters as either warnings or ideals of society, Druzhinin praised the portrayal of Stoltz and Olga as psychological and artistic foils to Oblomov. Druzhinin believed that Oblomov, not oblomovism, was the focus of the novel; characters and readers alike loved Oblomov, making him deserving of recognition as a unique character within Russian literary canon.[7]


1964 playbill for Oblomov, when it was still being presented as a serious drama.

Spike Milligan play

The novel was adapted for the stage by Italian writer Riccardo Aragno.[12] Aragno's script for Oblomov was bought by Spike Milligan's production company in early 1964. Milligan had long nurtured hopes of transitioning from comedy to serious drama. To this end, Milligan rehearsed for seven weeks with director Frank Dunlop and castmates Joan Greenwood, Bill Owen, and Valentine Dyall.

The play opened at the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith, on October 7, 1964. During the first performance Milligan was struck by stage fright and forgot nearly all of his lines. He quickly began making up things to say to the cast, turning the drama into an impromptu improv session. Noticing that a drama critic who'd given rave reviews to Milligan's other stage comedies was in the audience, Milligan ended the first performance by shouting "Thank God, Milton Shulman’s in!"[13]

The play was savaged in the theatrical press. However, Oblomov's producers had booked the play into the Lyric for three weeks. Anxious to recoup their investment by any means, they gave Milligan carte-blanche on stage. Milligan's antics included starting the play while sitting with the audience, yelling for his castmates to entertain him. Another night he wore a false arm that fell out of his sleeve when co-star Ian Flintoff, playing Oblomov's doctor, shook Milligan's hand. When Flintoff complained to Bill Kerr, a longtime friend of Milligan, that Spike was making a mockery of their hard work Kerr replied, "We have to put up with all the shit, mate, because it pays the rent."[13]

The play kept running as an improv comedy. This decision soon caused it to break all box office records at the Lyric. After five weeks it was rechristened Son of Oblomov and on December 2, 1964, moved to the Comedy Theatre in the West End. It would run there for a total of 559 performances. As the play was substantially new for each performance it drew record numbers of repeat traffic.[13][12]

On April 22, 1965 Queen Elizabeth and her family attended as part of her 39th birthday celebration. Shortly after the play began, a group of four latecomers attempted to slink to their seats directly in front of the royal family. Milligan immediately shouted "Turn up the house lights! Start everything again!" He pointed to the blushing foursome and cried "That's cost you your knighthood!"[14]

Then, noticing that Peter Sellers was seated between Prince Charles and Princess Margaret, Milligan asked in a loud voice "Is there a Sellers in the house?" Sellers immediately shouted "Yes!" Milligan launched into a vaudeville routine about Prince Phillip's suspenders, with Sellers participating from his seat with the royals. This culminated in Milligan giving a high-kick, lobbing one of his bedroom slippers at Sellers, nearly missing Prince Phillip's head. Once back in bed with co-star Joan Greenwood, Milligan spent the rest of the performance mocking the Queen for bringing her son to such a racy play. The play ended with Milligan unsheathing a katana on stage and asking the Queen to knight him for his efforts that night. She declined. The performance ran 45 minutes over its scheduled ending. Prince Charles reportedly saw the play five times.[14]

Film adaptations

Oblomov was adapted to the cinema screen in the Soviet Union by Nikita Mikhalkov in 1980, as A Few Days from the Life of I. I. Oblomov. This film was later named Best Foreign Language Film for 1981 by the U.S. National Board of Review.[15]

In 1989 BBC TV made an English language dramatisation of the novel, with George Wendt in the title role. In this version, Oblomov was a lazy modern-day Communist Party boss.

Radio adaptations

In 2005 BBC Radio 4 made a two-part English language dramatisation, heralding the lead character as "a tragic-comic hero for a couch potato generation". It was adapted by Stephen Wyatt, produced and directed by Claire Grove and starred Toby Jones as the lead, supported by Trevor Peacock, Claire Skinner, Clive Swift, Gerard McDermott, Nicholas Boulton, and Richenda Carey. Olga's singing voice was provided by Olivia Robinson, with Helen Crayford on piano.

In 2008 an adaptation was produced for the English service of the Russian national broadcaster, the Voice of Russia.[16]

English translations

Based on 1859 text

Based on 1862 text


  1. ^ Liukkonen, Petri. "Ivan Goncharov". Books and Writers. Finland: Kuusankoski Public Library. Archived from the original on 7 December 2014.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Stilman, Leon (1 January 1948). "Oblomovka Revisited". American Slavic and East European Review. 7 (1): 45–77. doi:10.2307/2492118. JSTOR 2492118.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Diment, Galya (1998). Goncharov's Oblomov: A Critical Companion. Northwestern University Press.
  4. ^ Scherr, Barry P. (2011). "Review of Oblomov". The Slavic and East European Journal. 55 (3): 469–471. ISSN 0037-6752. JSTOR 23349222.
  5. ^ a b Goncharov, Ivan A, and Stephen Pearl. Oblomov. New York: Bunim & Bannigan, 2006. Print.
  6. ^ a b c d e Borowec, Christine (1 January 1994). "Time after Time: The Temporal Ideology of Oblomov". The Slavic and East European Journal. 38 (4): 561–573. doi:10.2307/308414. JSTOR 308414.
  7. ^ a b c d Seeley, Frank Friedeberg (1 January 1976). "Oblomov". The Slavonic and East European Review. 54 (3): 335–354. JSTOR 4207297.
  8. ^ Dobrolyubov, Nikolay (1859). Что такое обломовщина? [What is Oblomovism?]. Отеч. записки (in Russian) (I–IV). Retrieved 9 November 2006.
  9. ^ Blair, Elaine. "The Short Happy Life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov". The New York Review of Books. Retrieved 10 March 2016.
  10. ^ Spender, Stephen (12 October 1958). "Lifelong Suffocation". The New York Times. p. BR5.
  11. ^ HARJAN, GEORGE (1 January 1976). "Dobroliubov's "What is Oblomovism?": An Interpretation". Canadian Slavonic Papers. 18 (3): 284–292. doi:10.1080/00085006.1976.11091456. JSTOR 40866920.
  12. ^ a b "Spike Milligan"OBLOMOV" Joan Greenwood/Bill Owen 1964 Pre-West End Playbill at Amazon's Entertainment Collectibles Store". Retrieved 14 September 2022.
  13. ^ a b c "Ad lib – ad infinitum". The Oldie. Retrieved 14 September 2022.
  14. ^ a b "Queen's birthday party turns into hilarious act" (PDF). The Manchester Evening Herald. 22 April 1965. p. 1. Retrieved 14 September 2022.
  15. ^ "1981 Award Winners". National Board of Review of Motion Pictures. 2016. Retrieved 2 December 2016.
  16. ^ Shvetsova, Tatiana (host) (22 August 2011). "Ivan Goncharov. 'Oblomov'". The VOR Treasure-Store. Voice of Russia.
  17. ^ Blair, Elaine. "The Short Happy Life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov". ISSN 0028-7504. Retrieved 1 October 2021.

External links