The Transformers (Marvel Comics)

The Transformers is an 80-issue American comic book series published by Marvel Comics telling the story of the Transformers. Originally scheduled as a four-issue miniseries, it spawned a mythology that would inform other versions of the saga. It also had a UK sister title that spliced original stories into the continuity, running for 332 issues.

US title



From issue #56, the by then well-known writer of Transformers Marvel UK, Simon Furman took over the reins, having been asked by Marvel US, after Budiansky had grown tired of the comic.[1]

The Transformers: Regeneration One

In July 2011, it was announced that IDW Publishing has signed up Simon Furman, Andrew Wildman and Stephen Baskerville (Wildman's Transformers inker) to make a continuation of the Marvel Transformers comic, consisting of 20 issues from #81 to #100, titled The Transformers: Regeneration One.[2]


  1. ^ Furman, Simon: Best of Transformers, Titan Books 2008. ISBN 1 84576 910 4
  2. ^ 81 is a go for 2012!, IDW Publishing Forums. Accessed 24 July 2011.
