Mehmed VI

Mehmed VI Vahideddin (Ottoman Turkish: محمد سادس Meḥmed-i sâdis or وحيد الدين Vaḥîdü'd-Dîn; Turkish: VI. Mehmed or Vahdeddin/Vahideddin; 14 January 1861 – 16 May 1926), also known as Şahbaba (lit.'Emperor-father') among the Osmanoğlu family,[3] was the last sultan of the Ottoman Empire and the penultimate Ottoman caliph, reigning from 4 July 1918 until 1 November 1922, when the Ottoman sultanate was abolished and replaced by the Republic of Turkey on 29 October 1923.

The brother of Mehmed V Reşâd, he became heir to the throne in 1916, after the death of Şehzade Yusuf Izzeddin, as the eldest male member of the House of Osman. He acceded to the throne after the death of Mehmed V.[4] He was girded with the Sword of Osman on 4 July 1918 as the 36th padishah and 115th Islamic Caliph.

Mehmed VI's reign began with the Ottoman Empire suffering defeat by the Allied Powers with the conclusion of World War I. The subsequent Armistice of Mudros resulted in the legal occupation of Istanbul and many illegal occupations in other parts of the empire. An initial process of reconciliation between the government and Christian minorities over their massacres and deportations by the government ultimately proved fruitless, when the Greeks and Armenians, via their patriarchates, renounced their status as Ottoman subjects by the end of 1918, spelling a definitive end of Ottomanism. Unionist elements within the Ottoman military, discontent with Sultan Mehmed VI's Anglophilia and his alliance with Damat Ferid Pasha, began taking actions into their own hands by establishing a nationalist resistance, beginning the Turkish War of Independence. Mehmed VI's most significant act as Sultan was dispatching Mustafa Kemal Pasha (Atatürk) to reassert government control in Anatolia, which actually resulted in the further consolidation of anti-appeasement actors against the court, and consequently, the end of the monarchy.

With the Turkish Nationalists standing against Allied designs for a partition of Ottoman Anatolia, the Allies pressured Sultan Mehmed VI to dissolve the Nationalist dominated Chamber of Deputies, ending the Second Constitutional Era. Kemal Pasha responded with establishing a provisional government known as the Grand National Assembly based in Ankara, which dominated the rest of the Ottoman Empire, while the Sultan's unpopular government in Istanbul was propped up by the Allied powers and effectively impotent. His ministers went on to sign the Treaty of Sèvres, a peace treaty which would have partitioned the remainder of his empire leaving a rump Turkish state. With Ankara's victory in the independence war, the Sèvres Treaty was abandoned for their Treaty of Lausanne. On 1 November 1922, the Grand National Assembly voted to abolish the Sultanate and to depose Mehmed VI as Caliph, and he left for Europe in exile after also being declared persona non grata. On 29 October 1923, the Republic of Turkey was declared, with Mustafa Kemal as its first president.

Early life and education

Mehmed, Resimli Kitab, 1909

Mehmed Vahdeddin was born at the Dolmabahçe Palace, in Constantinople, on 14 January 1861.[5][6][failed verification] His father was Abdulmejid I, who died when he was only five months old, and Vahdeddin's mother Gülistu Kadın died when he was four years old. She was of Georgian-Abkhazian origin, being the daughter of Prince Tahir Bey Chachba.

After his mother's death, Vahdeddin Efendi was raised and taught by his Şayeste Hanım, another of his father's consorts.[7][8] He trained himself by taking lessons from private teachers and attending some of the lessons given at the Fatih Madrasa.[1] The prince had a rough time with his overbearing adoptive mother, and at the age of 16 he left his adoptive mother's mansion with the three servants who had been serving him since childhood.[9] He grew up with nannies, female servants, and tutors. During the thirty-three years of his brother Sultan Abdul Hamid II's reign he lived in the Ottoman Imperial Harem.[10]

During his youth his closest friend was Abdul Mejid (to be proclaimed as Caliph Abdul Mejid II), the son of his uncle, Sultan Abdul Aziz. In the years to come, however, the two cousins became unyielding rivals. Before moving to the Feriye Palace, the prince had lived briefly in the mansion in Çengelköy owned by Şehzade Ahmed Kemaleddin.[11] During the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, Vahdeddin was considered to be the sultan's closest brother. When he ascended to the throne, this closeness greatly influenced his political attitudes, such as his intense dislike of the Young Turks and the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), and his sympathy for the British.[12]

Mehmed took private lessons. He read a great deal, and was interested in various subjects, including the arts, which was a tradition of the Ottoman family. He took courses in calligraphy and music and learned how to write in the naskh script and to play the qanun.[9] He became interested in Sufism and, unknown to the Palace, he attended courses at the madrasa of Fatih on Islamic jurisprudence, Islamic theology, interpretation of the Quran, and the Hadiths, as well as the Arabic and Persian languages. He attended the dervish lodge of Ahmed Ziyaüddin Gümüşhanevi, located not far from the Sublime Porte, where Ömer Ziyaüddin of Dagestan was the spiritual leader, and he became a disciple of the Naqshbandi order.[13]

Vahdeddin held a quiet rivalry with his brother Crown Prince Yusuf İzzeddin and repeatedly requested that his brother Sultan Mehmed V Reshad retract İzzeddin as heir apparent. In the end İzzeddin committed suicide in 1916, putting Vahdeddin on track to succeed his brother upon his death.[8]

In 1917 he went on a five-week trip to Germany, accompanied by his aide-de-camp, Mustafa Kemal Pasha (Atatürk).


Mehmed in 1915

Mehmed Vahdeddin succeeded to the throne after the death of his half-brother, and took the name of Mehmed VI, on 3 July 1918.[14] He held his Cülûs (enthronement ceremony) the day after. Instead of commissioning his own anthem he signed an edict making his grandfather Mahmud II's anthem as the official national anthem of the Ottoman Empire.[15] Vahdeddin reappointed Talat Pasha as Grand Vizier for another term and Mustafa Kemal Pasha commander of Seventh Army.

The end of the Great War allowed Vahdeddin to reassert the Sultanate, in contrast to his deceased brother who was accommodating to the CUP. With Talat Pasha's resignation, Vahdeddin had the opportunity to appoint a new Grand Vizier. Mustafa Kemal Pasha sent a telegram to the Sultan, asking him to appoint Ahmed Izzet Pasha, another anti-Unionist and make himself a minister of war. Izzet Pasha wooed the Sultan by promising to 'secure the dynasty's 'legitimate rights' and restore justice in the nation'.[16] The sultan assigned the task of forming the government to Izzet, though Mustafa Kemal was excluded from the new cabinet, as well as any minorities.[1] The Sultan soon requested the resignation of Izzet and assigned Ahmed Tevfik Pasha to form a government. In the his speech for the opening of the new legislative year of the parliament, he mentioned Woodrow Wilson's desire for a peace according to his principles, and that he accordingly wanted peace with the appropriate honour and dignity of the state.[citation needed]

The First World War was a disaster for the Ottoman Empire. British and allied forces captured Baghdad, Damascus, and Jerusalem during the war, and most of the Ottoman Empire was set to be divided amongst the European allies. As part of the armistice terms, much of the empire beyond the armistice lines were under occupation, including the Sultan's own capital: Constantinople.

A new government, consisting of members of the Liberty and Accord Party, arrested the leaders of the CUP, including one of the former grand viziers, Said Halim Pasha. The trial of Boğazlıyan District Governor Mehmed Kemal Bey was quickly concluded. He was sentenced to death and publicly hanged in Beyazıt Square, after the fatwa was signed by the sultan.[1]

At the San Remo conference of April 1920, the French were granted a mandate over Syria and the British were granted one over Palestine and Mesopotamia. On 22 July 1920, the Sultanic Council (Şurayı Saltanat) gathered in Yıldız Palace to discuss the principles of the settlement debated in Sèvres. On 10 August 1920, Mehmed's representatives signed the Treaty of Sèvres, which recognised the mandates and Hejaz as an independent state. Since he had to resign two and a half-months later, Damat Ferid Pasha dispatched the last delegation of Tevfik Pasha, the last delegation of the Ottoman Empire, on 2 October 1920.[17]

Turkish nationalists rejected the settlement by the Sultan's four signatories. A new government, the Turkish Grand National Assembly, under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Pasha, was formed on 23 April 1920, in Ankara (then known as Angora). The new government denounced the rule of Mehmed VI and the command of Süleyman Şefik Pasha, who was in charge of the army commissioned to fight against the Turkish National Movement (the Kuvâ-i İnzibâtiyye); as a result, a temporary constitution was drafted for Kemal's counter-government in Ankara.

Exile and death

Mehmed VI prays with Shaykh al-Islām Nuri Efendi and Grand Vizier Ahmed Tevfik Pasha before leaving Istanbul, 17 November 1922

As the nationalist movement strengthened its military positions in late August 1922, Mehmed VI, his five wives, and attendant eunuchs could no longer leave the safety of the palace.[18] The Grand National Assembly of Turkey abolished the Sultanate on 1 November 1922, and Mehmed VI was expelled from Istanbul. One day before his departure, he had lunch with his daughter, Ulviye Sultan, and spent a night at her palace.[19] Leaving aboard the British warship HMS Malaya on 17 November 1922, he took care not to bring valuable items or jewellery, other than his personal belongings. British general Charles Harington himself took the last Ottoman ruler from Yıldız Palace. Ten people with the sultan were sent off early in the morning by an English battalion. He went into exile in Malta, later living on the Italian Riviera.[1]

On 16 November 1922, Vahideddin wrote to Sir Charles Harington: "Sir, considering my life in danger in Istanbul, I take refuge with the British Government and request my transfer as soon as possible from Istanbul to another place. Mehmed Vahideddin, Caliph of the Muslims". Accompanied by his First Chamberlain, the bandmaster, his doctor, two confidential secretaries, a valet, a barber and two eunuchs, at 6 am on 19 November, two British ambulances took them to the house of General Sir Charles Harington.

Mehmed VI arrives in Malta on a British warship, 9 December 1922. On the left, 10-year-old Prince Mehmed Ertuğrul Efendi

On 19 November, Vahideddin's first cousin and heir, Abdul Mejid Efendi, was elected caliph, becoming the new head of the Imperial House of Osman as Abdul Mecid II before the Caliphate was abolished by the Grand National Assembly in 1924.[citation needed]

Mehmed sent a declaration to the Caliphate Congress and protested the preparations made, declaring that he had never waived the right to reign and be caliph. The congress met on 13 May 1926, but Mehmed died without the news of the congress meeting on 16 May 1926 in Sanremo, Italy.[20] His daughter Sabiha Sultan found money for a burial, and the coffin was taken to Syria and buried in the cemetery of the Sulaymaniyya Takiyya in Damascus.[21][22][1][23]


Mehmed VI's grave in the cemetery of Sulaymaniyya Takiyya in Damascus

Mehmed had an optimistic and patient personality according to the testimony of his relatives and employees. He was evidently a kind family man in his palace; outside, and especially at official ceremonies, he would stand cold, frowning and serious, and would not compliment anyone; he attached great importance to religious traditions; he would not tolerate rumors, nor would he allow them to circulate in his palace. Even in his informal conversations, he always attracted attention with seriousness.

The sources in question also state that he was intelligent and quick-grasped, but he was under the influence of his entourage and especially those he believed in, that he had a very evident, unstable and stubborn temperament.[1]

Mehmed VI had dealt with advanced literature, music, and calligraphy.[24] His compositions were performed in the palace when he was on the throne. The lyrics of the songs he repeatedly composed while in Tâif envision the longing of the country and the pain of not getting the news that they have left behind. Sixty-three works belonging to him can be identified, but only forty works have notes. His poems, which can be an example to his poetry, are only the lyrics of his songs. He was also a good calligrapher.[1]



Ottoman honours

Foreign honours



Mehmed VI had five consorts:[27][28]


Mehmed VI had only one son:[28][29][27]


Mehmed VI had three daughters:[30][31][27]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h Küçük, Cevdet (2003). "Mehmed VI". TDV Encyclopedia of Islam, Vol. 28 (Mani̇sa Mevlevîhânesi̇ – Meks) (in Turkish). Istanbul: Turkiye Diyanet Foundation, Centre for Islamic Studies. pp. 422–430. ISBN 978-975-389-414-2.
  2. ^ Ali Aktan (1995). Osmanlı paleografyası ve siyasî yazışmaları. Osmanlılar İlim ve İrfan Vakfı. p. 90.
  3. ^ Murat Bardakçı (2017). Neslishah: The Last Ottoman Princess. p. 85.
  4. ^ Freely, John, Inside the Seraglio, 1999, Chapter 16: The Year of Three Sultans.
  5. ^ van Millingen, Alexander (1911). "Constantinople" . In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 7 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 3–9.
  6. ^, Istanbul:When the Republic of Turkey was founded in 1923, the capital was moved to Ankara, and Constantinople was officially renamed Istanbul in 1930.
  7. ^ Aredba, Rumeysa; Açba, Edadil (2009). Sultan Vahdeddin'in San Remo günleri. Timaş Yayınları. p. 73. ISBN 978-9-752-63955-3.
  8. ^ a b Gingeras 2022, p. 90.
  9. ^ a b Bardakçı 2017, p. 6.
  10. ^ Bardakçı 2017, pp. 4–5.
  11. ^ Bardakçı 2017, p. 7.
  12. ^ Bardakçı 2017, p. 8.
  13. ^ Bardakçı 2017, pp. 6–7.
  14. ^ Sakaoğlu 2015, p. 488.
  15. ^ Çetiner, Yılmaz. Son Padişah Vahideddin.
  16. ^ Gingeras 2022, p. 92.
  17. ^ Sakaoğlu 2015, p. 494.
  18. ^ Ureneck, Lou (2015). "Chapter 6: Admiral Bristol, American Potentate". Smyrna, September 1922: One American's Mission to Rescue Victims of the 20th Century's First Genocide. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-225990-5.
  19. ^ Sakaoğlu 2015, p. 497.
  20. ^ Freely, John (1998). Istanbul: The Imperial City. London; New York: Penguin Books. p. 296. ISBN 978-0-14-024461-8.
  21. ^ Raşit Güdogdu; Büşra Yildiz (2020). The Sultans of the Ottoman Empire. Rumuz Yayınları. p. 247. ISBN 978-605-5112-15-8. His funeral was brought to Beirut and later to Damascus and buried in the cemetery in the garden of Süleymaniye Complex.
  22. ^ Freely, John, Inside the Seraglio, 1999, Chapter 19: The Gathering Place of the Jinns
  23. ^ Sakaoğlu 2015, p. 498.
  24. ^ Küçük, Cevdet (2003). "Mehmed VI". TDV Encyclopedia of Islam, Vol. 28 (Mani̇sa Mevlevîhânesi̇ – Meks) (in Turkish). Istanbul: Turkiye Diyanet Foundation, Centre for Islamic Studies. p. 429. ISBN 978-975-389-414-2.
  25. ^ a b c d e Yılmaz Öztuna (1978). Başlangıcından zamanımıza kadar büyük Türkiye tarihi: Türkiye'nin siyasî, medenî, kültür, teşkilât ve san'at tarihi. Ötüken Yayınevi. p. 164.
  26. ^ Alp, Ruhat (2018). Osmanlı Devleti'nde Veliahtlık Kurumu (1908–1922). pp. 131–132.
  27. ^ a b c Adra, Jamil (2005). Genealogy of the Imperial Ottoman Family 2005. p. 25.
  28. ^ a b Uluçay 2011, pp. 265–267.
  29. ^ Bardakçı 2017, p. 26.
  30. ^ Uluçay 2011, pp. 265–266.
  31. ^ Bardakçı 2017, pp. 9–10.


Further reading

External links

Media related to Mehmed VI at Wikimedia Commons