
Alvalade (Portuguese pronunciation: [alvɐˈlaðɨ]) is a freguesia (civil parish) and typical quarter of Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal. Located in central Lisbon, Alvalade is south of Lumiar and Olivais, west of Marvila, east of São Domingos de Benfica, and north of Avenidas Novas and Areeiro. The population in 2021 was 33,309.[1][2]


The designation of Alvalade appears to have its origins in the Arabic name Al Balade, meaning "inhabited and walled place."

Battle of Alvalade in 1323.

In 1323, the Battle of Alvalade was fought between King Dinis I of Portugal and his son King Afonso IV of Portugal, but famously the battle was stopped after the intervention of Saint Queen Isabel of Portugal, wife of Dinis I and mother of Afonso IV. There is a monument erected in memory of the Saint Queen in Alvalade.

The neighborhood is based on the "Urbanization Plan of the Southern Zone of Avenida Alferes Malheiro," currently referred to as Avenida do Brasil, authored by architect Faria da Costa. The plan proposed an urban design centered around closed-block typologies, bounded by continuous streets, within a relatively non-hierarchical system. It also envisioned two major avenues originating from a single point, the intersection of Avenida de Roma with the railway, extending from Avenida de Roma to Avenida Alferes Malheiro (now Avenida do Brasil) near the Júlio de Matos Hospital. This plan emerged due to the city's housing shortage resulting from population growth, particularly in economically affordable housing.[3]

Alvalade aerial view in 2018

The implementation of this plan involved several architects, each responsible for a segment, resulting in a diverse range of architectural styles. Embracing this variety turned Alvalade into an experimental site for architecture, showcasing diverse housing proposals while maintaining harmonious control over the overall ensemble. This method, wherein an urban plan evolves during implementation, remains underexplored today. Minor adjustments were made to the overall plan during the detailed planning phase, but the main ideas remained intact.

In 1944, the introduction of the "neighborhood unit" determined the structure present in Alvalade today. Eight cells were established, spanning three different parishes in Lisbon: Campo Grande (cells 1 and 2), São João de Brito (cells 3, 4, 5, and 6), and Alvalade (cells 7 and 8). The boundaries encompass significant city thoroughfares: Avenida do Brasil (north), Avenida Gago Coutinho (east), the railway line (south), Rua de Entre-campos, and Campo Grande (west).[4]

There are eight standard projects in this neighborhood, designated from A to H. Type A features ground-level open space supported by pilotis, while type B designates ground-level space for commercial use, primarily in the central zone. Types E, F, and G are considered variants for corner situations. Lastly, type H refers to small commercial constructions within the courtyards. In 1951, the Lot Division Plan began, with construction starting in 1952.[5]

Igreja Paroquial do Campo Grande

This area was characterized by rural occupation on Lisbon's periphery, dominated by cultivation areas, estates, and small clusters of houses connected by minor roads. Urbanization transformed these clusters, incorporating existing elements into the new urban fabric. They were categorized into three levels of incorporated pre-existing structures: first, the main roads into Lisbon, second, the small clusters near these roads, and finally, isolated structures with significant architectural value. This culturalist approach integrated existing elements from the past, even those lacking significant architectural character, recognizing their importance to the new construction.

It was one of the 12 parishes created by the administrative reorganization of the municipality of Lisbon on February 7, 1959, which separated these territories from the former parish of Campo Grande. In the same year the parish of São João de Brito, named after the church dedicated to the Jesuit martyr of the same name, was created; it would have later been absorbed into Alvalade after 53 years.[6]

By the 1960s, the final developments in the Alvalade neighborhood focused on detailed studies, aiming to accentuate organic construction and move away from more rationalist options. An example is the Lagares d'El Rei Urbanization in cell 8.[7]

Entrecampos square

As a consequence of the administrative reorganization of 2012, which came into effect after the local elections of 2013, the parish brought together the former parishes of Alvalade, Campo Grande , and São João de Brito, as well as small territories that previously belonged to the parishes of Marvila, São Domingos de Benfica, and São João de Deus (the latter dissolved). These territories merged with the Alvalade parish and the new and larger one kept the latter's name.[8]

The homonymous parish of Alvalade is dedicated to Saint Joana Princess, but following the expansion of 2012, the parish also includes within its territory the parishes of São João de Brito (patron saint of the former parish of the same name) and Santos Reis (patron saint of Campo Grande).


Alvalade area before and after the 2012 Portuguese administrative reform

Historical resident population (before the 2012 Administrative Reform)

The resident population recorded according to Censuses carried over the years is shown in the following tables for the three parishes that today constitute Alvalade. It is noteworthy that the ancient parish of Alvalade lost 7,750 people from 1960 to 2011 or 46.63% of its 1960 population, not having recorded a single population gain since 1960. Similarly, the ancient parish of Campo Grande lost 8,386 people or 44.37% of its population from 1960 to 2011, with major population losses recorded in the sixties (-22.3%). The former parish of São João de Brito, the last one to be urbanised, still experienced demographic growth in the sixties but managed to loose 11,579 people or 49.68% of its population from 1970 to 2011.

Current resident population (before the 2012 Administrative Reform)

In the 2021 Portuguese Census was recorded the first demographic growth of the parish since 1960. In particular, from 2011 to 2021 the parish gained 2,199 people, recording a growth of +7.07%.

Demographic statistics

The last censuses show that the parish's population is ageing at a fast pace: in 2021 23.92% of the population was below 25 and, at the same time, almost a quarter (24.73%) of the residents was 65 or older.

Religion in Alvalade (Census 2021)[12]

  Catholicism (67.02%)
  Protestantism (1.47%)
  Jehovah's Witnesses and Other Christian (1.52%)
  Orthodoxy (0.43%)
  Islam (0.61%)
  Hinduism (0.39%)
  Buddhism (0.28%)
  Judaism (0.11%)
  Other religions (0.25%)
  No religion (27.93%)

The parish is predominantly catholic and 70.44% of the population aged 15 or above are followers of a Christian or Jeovah's Witness denomination as of 2021.

Interestingly, around 27.93% of the population doesn't practice a religion and is thus non religious.[13]

The presence of minor religions such as Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism (1.63% of the population amongst the three) is probably due to an increasing community of people coming from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh or Nepal.

In 2021, 5.38% of the population of the parish was constituted by foreigners. In particular, amongst women foreigners were 5.46% of the total. This means that in Alvalade there are 1,793 resident foreigners, a sharp increase from 2011, when there were 1,195 resident foreigners (3.76%). Since the foreign population increased by 598 people from 2011 to 2021 and given that the total population of the parish increased by 2,199 units in the same timespan, it is noteworthy that the total population growth was due for more a quarter to the increase in the number of resident foreigners, thus not counting people who have acquired Portuguese nationality in the meantime.[14] The largest group of foreigners is constituted by the Brazilians (665 people or +61.02% since 2011), PALOP countries (235 people or +29.12% since 2011), Chinese (129 people or +95.45% since 2011), Spaniards (104 people or -20% since 2011), Italians (96 people or +231.03% since 2011) and people from the Indian Subcontinent, most notably Nepalis and Bangladeshis, totaling 88 people, or recording an increase of +109.52% since 2011.[15]

Dealing with the foreign-born population, 11.81% of the parish's population was born abroad as of 2021. The most common countries of birth were PALOP countries (1,420 people), Brazil (1,063 people), France (149 people), Spain (137 people) and the Indian Subcontinent (123 people).[16] Of the Portuguese nationals born abroad, the most common countries of birth were PALOP countries (1,211 people) and Brazil (399 people), all countries having ancient historical ties with Portugal as well as a rooted migration history towards the country, and who are, thus, more likely to have acquired Portuguese citizenship along the years.[17]

Moreover, as of 2021 in the parish there were 2,960 people who have entered Portugal after 2010, constituting 8.89% of the population. Of those with recent migrant background, 26.49% were Portuguese nationals returning from a period of emigration abroad.[18]

Elders walking in Roma station passageway. According to the 2021 Census, immigrants are younger than local residents.

Amongst the Portuguese, 5,474 had already lived abroad as of 2021 (17.37% of the Portuguese population). The majority of those having lived in Angola and Mozambique (1,733 people) entered Portugal in the Seventies (1,058 people or 61.05%), following the independence of the two former colonies (so called retornados). Those coming from countries hosting large Portuguese emigrant communities such as France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg or Belgium (1,114 people) have mostly entered Portugal after 1991 (72.71%), probably due to the development of the Portuguese economy since its accession to the EU. Interestingly, 35.32% of the Portuguese nationals having lived in the UK and residing in the parish, has left the UK after 2016, (date of the Brexit referendum).[19]

If the whole population (regardless of the nationality held) is taken into account, then 21.35% of the parish's population has already lived abroad for at least one year as of 2021, with EU countries, PALOP countries, Brazil and the United Kingdom being the most commonly cited countries of previous residence.[20]


In the parish of Alvalade are located some of the largest and most prestigious universities in the country, both public and private. Among the public institutions, notable ones include the Cidade universitária of the University of Lisbon, the largest university in the country, and the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE). Among the private universities, prominent ones are the Portuguese Catholic University and the Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies (Universidade Lusófona).

The rectorate and several faculties of the University of Lisbon, those which belonged to the former Classical University of Lisbon, one of the predecessors of the current university (Law, Humanities, Psychology, Sciences, Medicine, Dental Medicine, and Pharmacy), are situated in the parish of Alvalade, within the so-called University City. Besides the faculties, other university facilities such as the Lisbon University Stadium (Estádio Universitário de Lisboa), some cafeterias, and residences are also located in the same parish.

Economy and Social conditions


In the parish of Alvalade there are 961 residents who, as of 2021, were unemployed. Of these, 41.52% received a state-fund subsidy or pension (41.34% in Lisbon).[21] In 2021 the unemployment rate in the parish is considerably lower than the one recorded for Lisbon and for Portugal as a whole, standing at 6.04%. In the same year, Portugal as a whole had an unemployment rate of 8.13% that has progressively decreased to 6.1% in 2023. As the statistics dealing with unemployment at the parish level are available only every 10 years, the current (2023) unemployment rate in Alvalade is unknown.[22][23] Amongst youth aged 15–24 the unemployment rate in 2021 in the parish stood at 16.01%, 4.59% lower than in the rest of the country.[24]

On the other hand, in 2021 14,959 residents were employed, of which 73.54% were employees and 23.47% were independent workers.[25] Below is the table showing the employment rate per age group. The low share of people aged 20–24 employed is due to the fact that many are still in education (e.g. university) while the low proportion of those in employment aged 60–64 is due to many being early pensioners.[26]

Dealing with commuting, the residents of Alvalade spent 19.87 minutes of daily commuting, 2 minutes less than the average inhabitant of Lisbon.[27]

Social conditions

Mural in Avenida dos Estados Unidos da América

Dealing with overcrowding in the parish's households, 3.59% of the population lives in accommodations where they have less than 15 m2 per capita (8.71% for Lisbon and 5.65% in Portugal as a whole), while 47.05% live in houses with more than 40 m2 per capita (39.64% for Lisbon and 46.84% in Portugal as a whole).[28] There are 3,543.8 dwellings per km2 (3,200.5 for Lisbon and 64.9 in Portugal as a whole).[29]

51.7% of the population lives in owned dwellings as of 2021; this is higher than the value recorded for Lisbon (50.3%) but significantly lower than the one recorded for Portugal (70%).[30] The average height of a residential building in Alvalade is 4.5 floors as of 2021[31] and the average area of a dwelling stands at 103.91 m2 (with the average in Lisbon-city 93.07 m2 being and in Portugal 112.45 m2).[32]

The average monthly rent value of leased dwellings recorded in 2021 stood at €627.21, 33.20% higher than the Lisbon average in the same year (€470.87).[33] It is nonetheless important to notice that the value of the rents is quite low because of many contracts stipulated decades ago, with 13.00% (25.34% in Lisbon) of the dwellers paying less than €150/month[34] because of the rent-freezing system that was adopted in Portugal in the late XX century, allowing that many people, now mostly elders, don't have to pay high rents.[35][36][37] Due to the housing crisis and inflation, in 2023 the average rent for new contracts (frozen contracts aren't concerned) stood in fact at €13-€14/m2 in Alvalade, meaning that for the average 103.91 m2 dwelling are necessary around €1,403/month.[38][39][40][41][42][43][44]

Residential building in Rua Ocidental ao Campo Grande

Dealing with housing prices, it is interesting to remark that if the median price per m2 stood at €1,979 for a house sold in early 2016, this value had risen to €3,415/m2 in early 2021 and to €4,479/m2 in 2023, experiencing a growth of +126.33% in just 7 years. In the same period the growth of house priced per m2 in Lisbon as a whole was +117.6%, from €1,875/m2 to €4,080/m2.[45]

Of the 2,489 residential buildings listed in the parish, 0.68% were built before 1919, 70.67% from 1919 to 1960, 21.45% from 1961 to 1990, 3.21% from 1991 to 2000 and 3.98% after 2001. Of the buildings built before 1919 100% had 1 to 3 floors, while in buildings built between 1981 and 2010 the proportion of buildings with 6 stories or more is 57.97%. Interestingly, the newer and higher the building the higher the probability of it being served by an elevator. For homes built before 1946, only 9.09% have access to an elevator as of 2021; this percentage ascends to 71.50% for buildings dating from 1981 to 2010.[46] Always with regard to amenities, 28.12% of the houses had access to air conditioning (20.98% in Lisbon), 79.80% to heating (69.62% in Lisbon) and 23.09% to a parking place (28.04% in Lisbon).[47][48][49]

As of 2021 there were 2,447 vacant dwelling in the parish.[50] Of the vacant dwellings, 888 are vacant for rental or with the purpose of being sold, while 1,559 are vacant for other reasons, often abandoned, awaiting their demolition or because a reason for conflict among heirs.[51][52][53][54][55] Moreover, as of 2023 205 apartments are registered as "Alojamento Local", meaning they have the license to be rent on platforms such as or Airbnb.[56][57]

In the parish were also recorded 9 homeless people, of which 8 (88.89%) were males.[58] The parish is thus actively promoting initiatives aiming at helping people in situation of permanent of temporal homelessness.


Cruzeiro das laranjeiras
Reitoria of Lisbon University
Mural in Avenida dos Estados Unidos da América
Arabesco statue
José Pinto Peixoto statue
Saint Anthony statue
João Ribas mural in jardim dos Coruchéus
Campo Grande garden
Chafariz de Entrecampos
O Estudante statue
Modern monument in Cantina Velha
Tunnel covered in azulejos in Campo Grande
Azulejos in Campo Grande
Fountain in Campo Grande

Headquarters and Branches of the Parish Council (Junta de Freguesia)


Quinta dos Lagares d'El-Rei
Residential buildings in Avenida do Brasil
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
Hospital Júlio de Matos
Intersection of Avenida de Roma and Avenida dos EUA
Traffic jam in Avenida de Roma
Avenida 5 de Outubro
Mural in Avenida dos Estados Unidos da América
Garden of Largo Frei Heitor Pinto

The parish has 194 streets administered by the city council.[105] They are:


  1. ^ Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE) Archived March 19, 2016, at the Wayback Machine, Census 2011 results according to the 2013 administrative division of Portugal
  2. ^ "Áreas das freguesias, concelhos, distritos e país". Archived from the original on 2018-11-05. Retrieved 2018-11-05.
  3. ^ Costa, J. P. (2010). Bairro de Alvalade - Um Paradigma no Urbanismo Português. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte., p 10
  4. ^ Costa, J. P. (2010). Bairro de Alvalade - Um Paradigma no Urbanismo Português. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte., p 11
  5. ^ Costa, J. P. (2010). Bairro de Alvalade - Um Paradigma no Urbanismo Português. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte., p 12
  6. ^ "February 7, 1959" (PDF).
  7. ^ Costa, J. P. (2010). Bairro de Alvalade - Um Paradigma no Urbanismo Português. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte., p. 11 - 12
  8. ^ Diário da República. "Law nr. 56/2012, pages 6454-6460" (pdf) (in Portuguese). Retrieved 21 November 2014.
  9. ^ "Census 2011 Parish Data" (XLSX-ZIP). 2011 Census (final results). National Institute of Statistics. 2012. Retrieved 27 July 2013.
  10. ^ IGP (2012). "Areas of parishes, municipalities, and districts/islands in CAOP 2012.1" (XLS-ZIP). Official Administrative Map of Portugal (CAOP), version 2012.1. Portuguese Geographic Institute. Retrieved 30 July 2013.
  11. ^ "População residente (N.º) por Local de residência à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013), Sexo e Grupo etário (Por ciclos de vida)". Retrieved 2022-11-12.
  12. ^ "Census - Final results: Portugal - 2021". Statistics Portugal. Retrieved 2022-11-23.
  13. ^ "População residente com 15 e mais anos de idade (N.º) por Local de residência à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013) e Religião". Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  14. ^ "Proporção da população residente de nacionalidade estrangeira (%) por Local de residência à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013) e Sexo". Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  15. ^ "População residente (N.º) por Local de residência à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013), Sexo, Grupo etário e Nacionalidade". Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  16. ^ "População residente (N.º) por Local de residência à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013), Sexo, Grupo etário e Naturalidade (País)". Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  17. ^ "População residente (Portuguesa nascida no estrangeiro - N.º) por Local de residência à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013), Sexo, Grupo etário e Naturalidade (País)". Retrieved 2023-12-28.
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  19. ^ "População residente de nacionalidade portuguesa que já residiu no estrangeiro (N.º) por Local de residência à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013), Sexo, Escalão de ano de chegada a Portugal e Proveniência (País)". Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  20. ^ "População residente (Que residiu no estrangeiro por período contínuo de pelo menos 1 ano - N.º) por Local de residência à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013), Sexo, Escalão de ano de chegada a Portugal e Proveniência (País)". Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  21. ^ "População desempregada (N.º) por Local de residência à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013), Sexo, Grupo etário e Fonte de rendimento".
  22. ^ "Taxa de desemprego (%) por Local de residência à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013) e Sexo".
  23. ^ "Statistics Portugal - Web Portal". Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  24. ^ INE. "Indicador". Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  25. ^ "População empregada (N.º) por Local de residência à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013), Sexo, Profissão e Situação na profissão".
  26. ^ "Taxa de emprego (%) por Local de residência à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013), Sexo e Grupo etário".
  27. ^ "Duração média dos movimentos pendulares (min) da população residente empregada ou estudante por Local de residência à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013)".
  28. ^ INE. "Indicador". Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  29. ^ "Densidade de alojamentos (N.º/ km²) por Localização geográfica à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013)".
  30. ^ "Proporção de alojamentos familiares clássicos do próprio (%) por Localização geográfica à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013)".
  31. ^ "Pisos por edifício (N.º) por Localização geográfica à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013)".
  32. ^ "Superfície média útil (m²) dos alojamentos familiares clássicos de residência habitual por Localização geográfica à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013)".
  33. ^ "Valor médio mensal das rendas dos alojamentos familiares clássicos arrendados (€) por Localização geográfica à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013)".
  34. ^ "Agregados domésticos privados (N.º) nos alojamentos familiares clássicos arrendados de residência habitual por Local de residência (à data dos Censos 2021), Grupo socioeconómico do titular do alojamento e Escalão do valor mensal da renda".
  35. ^ Ferreira, Beatriz. "Rendas mais antigas ficam congeladas de forma definitiva". Observador (in European Portuguese). Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  36. ^ "Governo garante que rendas antigas vão ficar congeladas de forma definitiva". (in European Portuguese). Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  37. ^ "118 anos de rendas congeladas". (in European Portuguese). 2018-06-03. Retrieved 2023-12-28.
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  39. ^ Raposo, Frederico (2023-02-24). "Em 2637 anúncios de casas, nenhum permite arrendar em Lisboa sem gastar mais de um terço do salário". Mensagem de Lisboa (in European Portuguese). Retrieved 2023-12-28.
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  44. ^ "Statistics Portugal - Web Portal". Retrieved 2024-02-02.
  45. ^ "Valor mediano das vendas por m2 por categoria do alojamento familiar".
  46. ^ INE. "Indicador". Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  47. ^ INE. "Indicador". Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  48. ^ "Alojamentos familiares clássicos de residência habitual (N.º) por Local de residência (à data dos Censos 2021) e Tipo de aquecimento utilizado com maior frequência".
  49. ^ "Alojamentos familiares clássicos de residência habitual (N.º) por Localização geográfica à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013) e Existência de lugar de estacionamento ou garagem; Decenal".
  50. ^ "Alojamentos (N.º) por Localização geográfica à data dos Censos [2021] (NUTS - 2013) e Tipo de alojamento face à forma de ocupação e edifício".
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  55. ^ "Lisboa tem quase 48 mil casas vazias que câmara quer pôr "a uso"". (in European Portuguese). 2022-01-13. Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  56. ^ "Alojamento Local".
  57. ^ "ALs" (PDF).
  58. ^ INE. "Indicador". Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  59. ^ História, Lojas com. "A Mariazinha - Lojas com História". (in Portuguese). Retrieved 2024-02-08.
  60. ^ "Chafariz de Entrecampos".
  61. ^ "Cruzeiro da Igreja Paroquial do Campo Grande - Igreja dos Santos Reis Magos".
  62. ^ "A Paróquia". Paróquia de Santa Joana Princesa (in Portuguese). Retrieved 2024-02-15.
  63. ^ "Arabesco".
  64. ^ "Monumento a Santo António".
  65. ^ "Estátua João de Deus Ramos".
  66. ^ "Escultura de Paul Harris".
  67. ^ "Homenagem do povo de Lisboa às vítimas do 11 de Setembro".
  68. ^ "Casualties by Country — Memorial Mapping: Transnational 9/11 Memorials". Memorial Mapping: Transnational 9/11 Memorials. Retrieved 2024-02-15.
  69. ^ "Peça figurativa "Mãe e Filho"".
  70. ^ "20 | Esculturas Progresso na Carreira". Junta de Freguesia de Alvalade (in European Portuguese). Retrieved 2024-02-15.
  71. ^ "1ª Travessia Aérea do Atlântico Sul".
  72. ^ "Potros".
  73. ^ "Mulher segurando o Menino".
  74. ^ "Monumento comemorativo dos 25 anos do Curso Médico de Lisboa".
  75. ^ "Monumento ao Metropolitano de Lisboa".
  76. ^ "Monumento ao Jardineiro da Cidade".
  77. ^ "Homenagem a Juan Pablo Duarte e Díez".
  78. ^ "Estátua de pedra de D. João I".
  79. ^ "Estátua de mulher vendo-se ao espelho".
  80. ^ "Estátua de Luís de Camões".
  81. ^ "Estátua de José Pinto Peixoto".
  82. ^ "Estátua de Gil Vicente".
  83. ^ "Estátua de Fernão Lopes".
  84. ^ "Estátua de Eça de Queiroz".
  85. ^ "Estátua de D. Pedro V".
  86. ^ "Estátua de Álvaro Pais".
  87. ^ "Estátua "O Saber"".
  88. ^ "Estátua "Jogador de Futebol Americano"".
  89. ^ "Estátua "Lançador de Disco"".
  90. ^ ""Hammer Thrower" Statue".
  91. ^ "Estátua "O Atleta"".
  92. ^ "Estátua "Salto em Altura"".
  93. ^ "Statue "Corridor"".
  94. ^ "Estátua "Esquiadora"".
  95. ^ ""Weightlifter" Statue".
  96. ^ "Egas Moniz (Estátua)".
  97. ^ "Escultura "Despertar"".
  98. ^ "Escultura abstrata".
  99. ^ "Commemorative Sculpture of the 50th Anniversary of the University Stadium".
  100. ^ "Estátua "A Cultura"".
  101. ^ "D. Afonso Henriques".
  102. ^ "Busto de Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro".
  103. ^ "Busto de Actor António Pedro".
  104. ^ "Aos Heróis da Guerra Peninsular".
  105. ^ Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (CML) - Toponímia de Lisboa

External links