Comarcas of Andalusia

Comarcas of Andalusia

In Andalusia, comarcas have no defined administrative powers; many municipalities have gathered together to form mancomunidades in order to provide basic services, but those do not always coincide with the traditional comarcas. The current (2007) Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia, unlike its 1981 predecessor, allows for the establishment and regulation of official comarcas under its Title III, Article 97, which defines the significance of comarcas and sets the basis for future legislation in this area.

In 2003, the Council of Tourism and Sports of the Regional Government of Andalusia published an order in which it defined the comarca as "a geographic space with some homogeneous natural characteristicas, which produce social relations of immediacy and closeness, and present some common natural, economic and social characteristics and some common interests".[1] This defined the official comarcas of Andalusia in the number of 62, as the following ones:


  1. ^ Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian Autonomous Government). "Orden de 14 de marzo de 2003, por la que se aprueba el mapa de comarcas de Andalucía a efectos de la planificación de la oferta turística y deportiva" (PDF) (in Spanish). Archived from the original (pdf) on 2006-02-21. Retrieved 2009-01-16. un espacio geográfico con unas características naturales homogéneas, donde se producen unas relaciones sociales de inmediatez y cercanía, y que presentan unas características naturales, económicas y sociales comunes y unos mismos intereses.
  2. ^ As of 2005
  3. ^ As of 2006
  4. ^ As of 2006
  5. ^ As of 2005
  6. ^ As of 2006
  7. ^ As of 2008
  8. ^ As of 2006
  9. ^ As of 2007
  10. ^ As of 2006
  11. ^ As of 2008
  12. ^ As of 2006
  13. ^ As of 2007
  14. ^ As of 2008
  15. ^ As of 2006
  16. ^ As of 2007
  17. ^ As of 2008
  18. ^ As of 2006
  19. ^ As of 2007
  20. ^ As of 2006
  21. ^ As of 2006
  22. ^ As of 2008
  23. ^ As of 2007
  24. ^ As of 2007
  25. ^ As of 2007
  26. ^ As of 2006
  27. ^ As of 2007
  28. ^ As of 2007
  29. ^ As of 2006
  30. ^ As of 2006
  31. ^ As of 2006
  32. ^ As of 2007
  33. ^ As of 2006
  34. ^ As of 2006
  35. ^ As of 2007