Soyuz TM-15

Soyuz TM-15 was the 15th expedition to the Mir space station.[1] It included spationaut Michel Tognini from France. The Soyuz TM-15 flight set what was then a new Soyuz spacecraft on orbit endurance record.[2]


Mission highlights

Michel Tognini, passenger aboard Soyuz- TM 15, was the third Frenchman to visit a space station. He conducted ten experiments using 300 kg of equipment delivered by Progress-M flights. Tognini spent 2 weeks in space as part of ongoing space cooperation between Russia and France.


  1. ^ The full mission report is available here:
  2. ^ "Soyuz TM-15". Archived from the original on July 26, 2016. Retrieved 2017-11-22.