Baia de Aramă

Baia de Aramă is a small Romanian town located in Mehedinți County, in the historical region of Oltenia, with a population of 4,478 as of 2021. Eight villages are administered by the town: Bratilovu, Brebina, Dealu Mare, Mărășești, Negoești, Pistrița, Stănești, and Titerlești.

The river Brebina runs through the town. Some Dacian ruins can be found in the town, as well as the 17th century Baia de Aramă Monastery. The name of the town means "copper mine", suggesting that Baia de Aramă was once a strong copper mining town. However, over the years, many of the mines in the town have closed, leaving roughly half the town unemployed.


See also


  1. ^ "Results of the 2020 local elections". Central Electoral Bureau. Retrieved 6 June 2021.
  2. ^ "Populaţia rezidentă după grupa de vârstă, pe județe și municipii, orașe, comune, la 1 decembrie 2021" (XLS). National Institute of Statistics.