Virgilian series

The Virgilian series is the youngest part of the Pennsylvanian epoch in the North American geologic classification series.[1] During Virgilian times, the top of the Conemaugh and the entire Monongahela group were deposited.[2] As with other Carboniferous series, it comprises cyclothems, or distinct cycles of sedimentary rock formation.

Monongahela cyclothems (youngest at top)

Note: the names below are of the Conemaugh age, not Monongahela age


  1. ^ Heckel, P. H.; Clayton, G. (2005). "The Carboniferous System. Use of the new official names for the subsystems, series, and stages". Geologica Acta. doi:10.1344/105.000000354.
  2. ^ Eble, Cortland F.; Pierce, Brenda S.; Grady, William C. (2005). "Palynology, petrography and geochemistry of the Sewickley coal bed (Monongahela Group, Late Pennsylvanian), Northern Appalachian Basin, USA". International Journal of Coal Geology. doi:10.1016/S0166-5162(03)00110-1.