Michael Daniel (linguist)

Michael Daniel (Russian: Михаил Aлександрович Даниэль; born 13 September 1972) is a linguist from Russia specializing in linguistic typology and the study of languages of Dagestan (Russia).

Education and career

Daniel received his Candidate degree from the Russian State University for the Humanities in Moscow in 2001. He worked as an associate professor at Moscow State University[1] and as a professor at HSE University.[2] Since 2022, he has been a research fellow at the Collegium de Lyon [fr].[3]

Scientific contributions

Daniel's contributions are primarily in the areas of linguistic typology and the study of the languages of Dagestan.

In the area of grammar, his contributions concern primarily the worldwide typology of grammatical number (e.g. Daniel & Moravcsik 2005; Acquaviva & Daniel 2022), the typology of personal pronouns (e.g. Daniel 2005), and the typology of case (e.g. Daniel & Ganenkov 2009).

For his dissertation on associative plurality, he won the Greenberg Award of the Association for Linguistic Typology.[4]

Personal life

Michael Daniel is the grandson of the well-known Soviet author Yuli Daniel.

Selected works


Selected articles


  1. ^ Mikhail Daniel, Site of the Academia Europaea.
  2. ^ Michael Daniel: Academic track (personal homepage).
  3. ^ Michael Daniel, homepage of the Collegium de Lyon [fr].
  4. ^ Greenberg Award, homepage of Association for Linguistic Typology.

External links