Jõgeva County

Jõgeva County (Estonian: Jõgeva maakond or Jõgevamaa) is one of 15 counties of Estonia. It is situated in eastern part of the country and borders Ida-Viru County to the north-east, Lake Peipus to the east, Tartu County to the south, Viljandi County to the south-west, Järva County to the north-west and Lääne-Viru County to the north.


Jõgeva County or Jõgevamaa was created January 1, 1990 from a parts of Viljandimaa and Tartumaa counties.[3]

County government

The County government (Estonian: Maavalitsus) was led by a governor (Estonian: maavanem), who was appointed by the Government of Estonia for a term of five years. Since 2009 until 2018, the Jõgeva County governor position was held by Viktor Svjatõšev. From 01.01.2018 County governments were shut down in Estonia.


Municipalities since 2017.

The county is subdivided into municipalities. There are three rural municipalities (Estonian: vallad – parishes) in Jõgeva County.


Religion in Jõgeva County (2021)[1]

  Unaffiliated (79.0%)
  Lutheran (11.2%)
  Orthodox & Old Believers (6.35%)
  Others Christians (1.8%)
  Others or Unknown (1.2%)

See also



  1. ^ "Jõgeva maakond - Valik andmeid - Piirkondlik portree Eestist".
  3. ^ "Jõgeva maakond - Eesti Entsüklopeedia". 2017-01-19. Retrieved 2022-05-05.
  4. ^ a b c "Elanike demograafiline jaotus maakonniti". Kohaliku omavalitsuse portaal. Archived from the original on 2 March 2019. Retrieved 2 April 2018.
  5. ^ a b c Official census data from Statistics Estonia:
    • 2000 Census:
      • "2000 Census: RL229: Population by religion".
      • "2000 Census: RL231: Population by religion and ethnicity".
    • 2011 Census:
      • "2011 Census: RL0451: Population by religion".
      • "2011 Census: RL0454: Population by religion and ethnicity".
    • 2021 Census:
      • "2021 Census: RL21451: Population by religion".
      • "2021 Census: RL21454: Population by religion and ethnicity".

External links

58°42′N 26°24′E / 58.700°N 26.400°E / 58.700; 26.400