Ta-Arawakan languages

The Ta-Arawakan languages, also known as Ta-Maipurean and Caribbean, are the Indigenous Arawakan languages of the Caribbean Sea coasts of Central and South America. They are distinguished by the first person pronominal prefix ta-, as opposed to common Arawakan na-.


Kaufman (1994) provides the following subclassification:

Aikhenvald adds Shebayo, which Kaufman had left unclassified, and removes Iñeri from Ta-Arawakan proper:


Reconstructions of Proto-Lokono-Guajiro proposed by Captain (1991):[1]


  1. ^ Captain, D. (1991 [2005]). Proto-Lokono-Guajiro. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Etnolingüísticos, 10:137-172.