List of former United States military installations in Panama

This is a list of United States military installations in Panama, all of which fall within the former Canal zone. The U.S. military installations in Panama were turned over to local authorities by 1999.

Transition phases

In 1903, the Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty was signed between Panama and the United States. It created the Panama Canal Zone as a U.S. governed region, and allowed the U.S. to build the Panama Canal. In 1977, the Panama Canal Treaty (also called Torrijos–Carter Treaties) was signed by Commander of Panama's National Guard, General Omar Torrijos and U.S. President Jimmy Carter. Over time, it would replace and absolve the 1903 treaty.


See also


  1. ^ William H. Ormsbee Jr (2009-01-30). "On this Site". WHOs scroll. Retrieved 2012-12-09.
  2. ^ William H. Ormsbee Jr. "Panama Canal Treaty Transition -- Military: Summary of Military Property Transfers and Military Forces Drawdown". WHOs scroll. Retrieved 2012-12-09.
  3. ^ "Home".

External links