Klaus Schäfer (catholic theologian)

Klaus Schäfer SAC (born 1958) is a German catholic theologian, priest and author. As a Pallotine Father he is known by the abbreviation of the order SAC after his name. The focus of his work is attending the sick and terminal care for the dying as well as helping those mourning. He has published many books on such themes as stillbirth, brain death and organ donation as well as travelogues on pilgrimage by bicycle.[1]

Life and work

After his time at school Schäfer studied to be an electrical engineer, after which he served for twelve years as a soldier in the German Bundeswehr. In 1988 he joined the Pallotine Order and after training and study was ordained as a priest (German Priesterweihe.) As a Pallottiner the abbreviation SAC was added after his name (for the Latin Societas Apostolatus Catholici, translated as "Community of the Catholic Apostles") in the form of a Postnominale.

In 1999 Peter Schäfer was a church minister in Kippenhausen in Baden-Württemberg, after which he worked as a hospital chaplain at the Vincentius-Hospital in Karlsruhe. From 2014 to 2017 Schäfer was rector of the congregation in Bruchsal.

As hospital chaplain he was founder of the Karlsruhe Solace Church Service.[2] Since 2017 he has been hospital chaplain at the University Clinic in Regensburg. He is much in demand as a speaker and debater on the themes of brain death and organ donation.[3]

Scäefer runs several internet sites on various topics:

Selected publications



  1. ^ "Bücher – Schaefer SAC". Retrieved 13 February 2020.
  2. ^ "TG/Entstehungsgeschichte – Schaefer SAC". Retrieved 13 February 2020.
  3. ^ "Einladung: Organspende mit Widerspruchszwang?". Sylvia Kotting-Uhl MdB (in German). Retrieved 13 February 2020.
  4. ^ Dempfle, Michael. "Schäfer-Pictures – kgs de". Retrieved 13 February 2020.
  5. ^ Dempfle, Michael. "Album of Santiago-Wiki". Retrieved 13 February 2020.
  6. ^ Klaus Schäfer: Aufklärung über Hirntod und Organspende.

External links