Indonesian Army Doctrine, Education and Training Development Command

Indonesian Army Doctrine, Education and Training Development Command (Indonesian: Komando Pembinaan Doktrin, Pendidikan dan Latihan TNI AD or Kodiklat TNI-AD) is an Indonesian Army Principal Command which is directly under the office of the Chief of Staff of the Army and located in Bandung, West Java. Its principal responsibility is the training of all service personnel of the Army to fulfill its primary responsibilities of national defense and civil-military cooperation in national development.

Kodiklatad Task

The main task of the Kodiklat is to provide guidance on the doctrine / system of terrestrial dimension operations, education and training of the TNI AD. To carry out these basic tasks, Kodiklat is empowered to:

  1. Doctrine formation: Includes all work efforts and activities in the field of research and development of the Army Doctrine and the operational standards of the Army
  2. Educational training: Includes all business work and activities in the field of research and development of the military education system, organizing education except Educational activities in Seskoad, Akmil, Secapa, Pusdikpasus, Rindam, Instek and Akper as well as all educational work in the centers run by the command or are under nominal supervision of it
  3. Training development: Includes all business and work activities in the field of research and development of the TNI AD training system, organizing exercises in national, regional and local levels to ensure the preparedness of army personnel for the performance of their duties in national defense and civil disaster relief


The founding of the Kodiklat began with the establishment of the Infantry Directorate in 1950. Then in 1951, it was changed to the Army Education Directorate, abbreviated as DPAD. Then in 1956, it was inaugurated as Inspectorate General of Education and Training which was perfected into KOPLAT. As the reorganization within the ABRI body was merged and formed into KOBANGDIKLAT, which was subsequently divided into two commands, PUSBANGSISOPS and PUSBINDIK. PUSBANGSISOPS and PUSBINDIK are considered to be more effective if they are coordinated into one Unit so that through the Kasad Skep Number Skep / 454 / XI / 1994 dated November 17, 1994, the two formations were merged into the current Kodiklatad.[1]

Directly reporting institutions

The following institutions are operated under direct supervision of the Kodiklatad:


  1. ^ http:// www / index.php / 2014/12 / commander-kodiklat-tni-ad-lead-event-thanksgiving-birthday-20th-year-kodiklat-tni-ad / "Commander of the Indonesian Military Army Kodiklat led the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the 2014 Army Military Kodiklat

External links