Ortoli Commission

The Ortoli Commission is the European Commission that held office from 6 January 1973 to 5 January 1977. Its President was François-Xavier Ortoli.


It was the successor to the Mansholt Commission and was succeeded by the Jenkins Commission. It was the first Commission since the first enlargement at the start of the year. It managed the extended Community during the instability of the Yom Kippur war, the 1973 oil crisis and the Turkish invasion of Cyprus.[1]


Summary by political leanings

The Ortoli Commission

The colour of the row indicates the approximate political leaning of the office holder using the following scheme:

See also


  1. ^ Discover the former Presidents: The Ortoli Commission, Europa (web portal), Accessed 23 August 2007
  2. ^ Replaced on July 13, 1976 by Cesidio Guazzaroni.

External links