
Crochat petrol electric railcar preserved at Pithiviers

Crochat was a French railway equipment construction company founded in 1899 by Henry Crochat. It is best known for building locomotives and railcars with petrol-electric transmission.[1]



Locomotive types

Petrol-electric locomotive types[3]

This is not a complete list.

Crochat and Colardeau

Henry Crochat obtained some patents jointly with Emmanuel Colardeau, e.g. patent US1416611.[4] There is no evidence that Colardeau was involved in Crochat's railway business but he may have been involved, with Crochat, in the design of the Saint-Chamond (tank).

Equipment preserved


  1. ^ "Locomotives Henry Crochat, Paris".
  2. ^ "Locomotives Henry Crochat, Paris".
  3. ^ "Locomotives Henry Crochat, Paris".
  4. ^ "Espacenet - Original document".
  5. ^ "Le P'tit Train de St Trojan".