
Leutershausen is a municipality in the district of Ansbach, in Bavaria, Germany. It is situated on the river Altmühl, 12 km west of Ansbach.


Leutershausen was probably founded by Frankish settlers around 800. For the first time it is referred to in a privilege of Emperor Otto III as "Liuthereshusunin" in 1000.

On the 19th of April, 1945, the village was almost completely destroyed by Allied fighter-bombers (Veeh, 'Kriegsfurie', pp. 452, 457-461; Woller, 'Gesellschaft und Politik in der amerikanischen Besatzungszone: Die Region Ansbach und Fürth', pp. 55-56)


Leutershausen has a sportsclub, called TV 1862 Leutershausen. As said in the name it was founded in 1862 and has since organised sport events at the local stadium and provides training in seven different disciplines, the biggest being football and athletics. Furthermore, there are table tennis, tennis, gymnastics, triathlon and ball game departments. In June 2012 there was a big celebration weekend due to the 150th anniversary of the TV Leutershausen including the traditional Maikränzchen athletics competition and Public Viewing of the 2012 Euros.


County Court Building

International relations

Since 2000 Leutershausen is twinned with the Hungarian town of Szendrö.

Famous people

Gustave Whitehead Memorial


  1. ^ Liste der ersten Bürgermeister/Oberbürgermeister in kreisangehörigen Gemeinden, Bayerisches Landesamt für Statistik, 15 July 2021.
  2. ^ Genesis Online-Datenbank des Bayerischen Landesamtes für Statistik Tabelle 12411-003r Fortschreibung des Bevölkerungsstandes: Gemeinden, Stichtag (Einwohnerzahlen auf Grundlage des Zensus 2011).

External links