Parang (batik)

Parang batik (Javanese: ꧋ꦧꦠꦶꦏ꧀ꦥꦫꦁ, Indonesian: Batik Parang) is one of the oldest Indonesian batik motifs.[1] Parang comes from the Javanese word Pereng which means slope. Parang depicts a diagonal line descending from high to low. The arrangement of the S motifs intertwining unbroken symbolizes continuity. The basic shape of the letter S is taken from the ocean waves which depict a spirit that never goes out.

Parang batik is an original Indonesian batik motif that has existed since the time of the Kartasura (Solo), Mataram palace (Present day Central Java). The Parang batik motif is credited to be created by Sultan Agung of Mataram during his visit to the southern coast of Java (Indonesian: Pantai selatan). The Sultan got his inspiration from the waves rolling in the Parangtritis sea.[2][3][4][5]

The Meaning and Philosophy of Parang Batik

Parang batik made in the 19th century.

Parang batik has a high meaning and has a high philosophical value, this batik motif is one of the oldest basic batik motifs in Indonesia. Parang has the meaning of advice to never give up, like ocean waves that never stop moving. Batik Parang also depicts a relationship that never breaks, both in terms of efforts to improve oneself, efforts to fight for prosperity, as well as forms of family ties.[6]

Parang berarti perang, para raja jawa dan kesatria jawa selalu memakai batik parang yang berarti perang melawan hawa nafsu nya setiap hari, terus menerus. Hanya para raja ksatria lah yang boleh pakai batik parang. itu sebagai agama nya, sebagai maujud ageman nya setiap hari, ucap tekat laku lampah.

Parang means war, Javanese kings and knights always wear parang batik which means war against their passions every day. Only kings and knights are allowed to wear parang batik. Parang batik is like religion, to achieve the perfection of a better life.

— Syafril Indra Kusuma

Type of batik parang

See also


  2. ^ "Batik Parang", The Batik Library
  3. ^ "Let's Get to Know 7 Indonesian Batik Patterns and their Philosophical Meanings", Wisma Bahasa, 6 October 2020
  4. ^ "Batik Parang, Motif Batik yang Tak Bisa Digunakan Sembarangan", kumparan
  5. ^ "Sejarah Batik Motif Parang yang Perlu Orang Jawa Tahu", Babad
  6. ^ "Makna Batik Parang yang Tak Sembarangan", goodnewsfromindonesia
  7. ^ "Motif dan asal usul batik parang", batiktulisgiriloyo, 21 January 2021
  8. ^ "Mengenal Motif Batik Parang", KrlJogja