
Puresh (Moksha: Пуреш, romanized: Puresh, lit. 'pureh brewing time born') was a Moksha Kanazor, ruler of Kingdom Moxel in (Middle Volga) mentioned in Russians sources as Murunza.[2] He was an ally of Russian Grand Prince Yuri II of Vladimir and of the Cuman Khan Köten against the Volga Bulgars and Erzyas in the 1230s.[3]

War For Kadoma

European Campaign

In September 1237 the Mongols invaded Moksha kingdom Moxel[4]). Puresh became a vassal of Batu Khan and joined Mongol army in the European campaign. Puresh's warriors became the vanguard of the Mongol army and took part in the seizure of Kiev, Sandomierz and Zawichost.[5]

Massacre before Battle of Legnica

Puresh secretly met with the High Duke of Poland, Henry II the Pious, on 8 April 1241, one day before the Battle of Legnica, and they agreed that the Moksha army would join the Silesia and Greater Poland. Subutai uncovered the plot and Puresh, his son Atämaz and many Moksha warriors were killed while sleeping after midnight on 9 April 1241.[6]


Queen Narchat took a revenge on Mongols in 1242 and raided their convoys in Mokshaland. It led to an uprising which resulted in another war with Mongols returned from Europe known as Sernya battle. William of Rubruck described Mokshaland after the war as a land without cities with people dwell in forests since "their king and most of his men were killed in Germany where they were forced to go together with the Mongols".[7]

See also



  1. ^ Штерешис 2013, с. 18
  2. ^ Карамзин Н. М. История государства Российское. Т. II. Москва, 1991, ISBN 978-5-02-009493-2. 
  3. ^ Первушкин В. И., Пуреш / Пензенская энциклопедия. Москва, Научное издательство «Большая Российская энциклопедия», 2001, с. 509, ISBN 978-5-85270-234-0 
  4. ^ Itinerarium fratris Willielmi de Rubruquis de ordine fratrum Minorum, Галли, Anno gratia 1253. ad partes Orientales.
  5. ^ Джон Бриджес. «Опус Великий» Роджера Бэкона. Элиброн Классикс, 2000, ISBN 978-1-4021-9735-2 
  6. ^ Мадуров Д. Ф. Волжские земли в истории и культуре России: Материалы Всероссийской научной конференции//Мадуров Д. Ф. События XIII века в истории Эрзи и Мокши., О с наступлением на Золотаревском городище осенью 1237 г. (Дмитрий Мадуров. События XIII века в истории Мокши и эрзи., Серненская битва осенью 1237 года), Мордовский государственный университет , Саранск: Красный Октябрь, 2004. Часть I — с. 264
  7. ^ Itinerarium fratris Willielmi de Rubruquis de ordine fratrum Minorum, Галли, Anno gratia 1253. ad partes Orientales.