
Teiuș (Romanian pronunciation: [teˈjuʃ], German: Dreikirchen, Dornstadt; Hungarian: Tövis) is a town in Alba County, Transylvania, Romania, with a population of 6,308 inhabitants as of 2021. The town, declared as such in 1994, administers four villages: Beldiu (Marosbéld), Căpud (Magyarkapud), Coșlariu Nou (Újkoslárd), and Pețelca (Pacalka).

The town is located near the confluence of the Geoagiu River with the Mureș River. Teiuș is a junction point on the Cluj-NapocaSighișoara railway. It has several old churches, the most notable being the 17th century Uniate church and the Roman Catholic church, built for John Hunyadi in 1449 and rebuilt (1701–1704) in a simple Gothic style.



Teiuș has a humid continental climate (Cfb in the Köppen climate classification).

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  1. ^ "Results of the 2020 local elections". Central Electoral Bureau. Retrieved 6 June 2021.
  2. ^ "Populaţia rezidentă după grupa de vârstă, pe județe și municipii, orașe, comune, la 1 decembrie 2021" (XLS). National Institute of Statistics.