Turetsky Choir Art Group

The Turetsky Choir (Russian: Хор Турецкого) (art group) is a Russian men's a cappella ensemble and musical collective under the direction of Mikhail Turetsky. Their voices range from tenore contraltino to basso profundo.


The Turetsky Men's Choir was established at the Moscow Choral Synagogue. The chorus made its debut in 1990 with Jewish liturgical and folk music in the philharmonic halls of Tallinn and Kaliningrad. It has served as a vehicle throughout Russia for renewed interest in the Jewish heritage.

In his blog "Teruah Jewish Music" Jack Zaientz wrote, "I don't know if any of the choir members, including Turetsky, are Jewish or what being Jewish might mean to them... And I'm not sure how much it matters. Seeing a bunch of seriously good male vocalists singing Jewish music to a huge crowd of Russians, in the face of the centuries of discrimination that Russian Jews have faced, does my heart proud."[1]

"Very few people were interested in that kind of music at the time, and no one at all in the post-Soviet countries… … … So when I got an opportunity, I did some research in libraries in New York and Jerusalem and discovered this profound, diverse, and very stylish kind of music that was accessible at a basic human level… … … We understood that we had to have a broader scope and began to include secular material in our programs… … … Today, our repertoire contains music from the last four centuries – from Handel to Soviet pop hits, chanson, and the best examples of contemporary pop culture…"

Mikhail Turetsky, leader[2]





  1. ^ Zaientz, Jack (March 30, 2011). "The Turetsky Men's Choir – the Russian Jewish answer to Riverdance". Retrieved 11 July 2013.
  2. ^ [1] [dead link]
  3. ^ "УКАЗ Президента РФ от 16.07.2010 N 909 "О НАГРАЖДЕНИИ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫМИ НАГРАДАМИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ"". Archived from the original on 2010-07-27. Retrieved 2011-01-11.
  4. ^ [2] [dead link]
  5. ^ "Умер солист "Хора Турецкого" Борис Горячев".

External links