Stephy Qi

Qi Wei (Chinese: 戚薇; born 26 October 1985), also known as Stephy Qi, is a Chinese singer and actress.


Qi debuted as a singer after participating in the talent program My Show, and formed a duo with Yuan Chengjie.[1] The duo rose to fame with the song Wai Tan Shi Ba Hao (外滩十八号), which won the "Best Duet" award at the Global Chinese Music Awards.

Thereafter, Qi ventured into acting and became known to audiences after starring in historical drama Beauty's Rival in Palace in 2010.[2] In 2011, she signed a contract with Ocean Butterflies International and released her debut album If Love Forgets.[3] The same year, she also starred in the highly rated drama My Daughters and released a soundtrack for the series.[4] Qi is also known for starring in modern suspense drama Unbeatable (2010),[5][6] romantic comedy drama Love Wakes Up (2011)[7] and gongan fiction series Young Sherlock (2014).[8] Qi won the Most Popular Actress award at the China TV Drama Awards.

After her short hiatus for childbirth, Qi returned to the screen with modern romance drama I Am DuLala in 2015.[9] In 2016, she was cast in John Woo's action thriller film, Manhunt.[10]

Personal life

In 2014, Qi married Korean-American actor Lee Seung-hyun in Las Vegas.[11] Their baby daughter named Lucky was born in January 2015.






Television series

Variety show

Awards and nominations


  1. ^ "戚薇《男人装》拍写真 颠覆清纯裸背秀刺青". Tencent (in Chinese). 1 November 2007.
  2. ^ "《美人心计》美女大比拼 林心如杨幂戚薇高洋". Mtime (in Chinese). 20 April 2011.
  3. ^ "戚薇破茧签约海蝶音乐 闺蜜佟丽娅献吻力挺" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 30 August 2011.
  4. ^ "《夏家三千金》热播 戚薇唱出"夏友善"心声" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 2 February 2011.
  5. ^ "《美女如云》收视夺冠 开创国产时尚剧新景观". Sohu (in Chinese). 1 July 2010.
  6. ^ "《美女如云》收视夺冠 开创国产时尚剧新景观". China Daily (in Chinese). 17 August 2010.
  7. ^ "《爱情睡醒了》三亚开拍 戚薇自封脚滑天后". NetEase (in Chinese). 11 May 2011.
  8. ^ "《少年神探狄仁杰》开机 周炳坤打造传奇巨作". (in Chinese). 15 November 2013.
  9. ^ "戚薇产后复工演电影 新片婚姻遭小三挑衅". Sohu (in Chinese). 27 April 2015.
  10. ^ "戚薇出演《追捕》 陈嘉上:她是我心中的真由美". Sohu (in Chinese). 17 March 2016.
  11. ^ "Wedding of Qi Wei and South Korean Actor Li Chengxuan Revealed". Women of China. 10 September 2014.
  12. ^ "《重庆美女》上演姐妹情深 戚薇变"失忆女友"" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 16 September 2009.
  13. ^ "戚薇加盟电影《回马枪》 聂隐娘造型首曝光(图)" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 23 June 2010.
  14. ^ "《做次有钱人》女主角戚薇:特想演被人欺负的角色". ifeng (in Chinese). 17 August 2012.
  15. ^ "《我的播音系女友》定档 戚薇汪东城上演校园恋". Tencent (in Chinese). 17 April 2014.
  16. ^ "戚薇制服客串泡沫之夏 冒充何润东女友过戏瘾" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 3 September 2010.
  17. ^ "戚薇《高手如林》饰"白骨精" 性格坚强哭戏难" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 18 July 2011.
  18. ^ "戚薇加盟《我的经济适用男》与佟丽娅秀恩爱" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 7 December 2011.
  19. ^ "《童话二分之一》曝海报 4女星演童话版欲望都市". Netease (in Chinese). 30 March 2013.
  20. ^ "戚薇主演《爱情自有天意》 自诩屌丝终结者" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 25 January 2013.
  21. ^ "可戚薇参演《万万没想到》 登湖南卫视同贺岁". Mtime (in Chinese). 19 December 2013.
  22. ^ "戚薇演绎情感戏《陶之恋》 带你走进陶艺" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 28 February 2014.
  23. ^ "《古剑》戚薇客串 杨幂马天宇争风吃醋" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 27 November 2013.
  24. ^ "戚薇《爱情回来了》首次出演喜剧 扮"恐婚"女强人". ifeng (in Chinese). 8 July 2014.
  25. ^ "《秀丽江山》热播 樊星戚薇师徒情深" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 25 July 2016.
  26. ^ "《你好乔安》戚薇演非典型女王冷到骨子里" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 3 August 2016.
  27. ^ "戚薇《繁星四月》变公知女主播 百变妆容即将来袭" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 18 April 2017.
  28. ^ "《深夜食堂》戚薇演失女母亲 颠覆形象神情憔悴" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 8 June 2017.
  29. ^ "戚薇领衔《北京女子图鉴》,为"北奔女性"发声". Netease (in Chinese). 23 March 2018.
  30. ^ "《没有秘密的你》官宣 戚薇金瀚姐弟恋巴黎撒糖". People's Daily (in Chinese). 26 February 2018.
  31. ^ "《谋圣鬼谷子》开机 戚薇自曝为戏钻研十八禁". Sohu (in Chinese). 22 August 2013.
  32. ^ "《新龙门》首曝主演阵容引期待 乔迁新址出新意". Netease (in Chinese). 16 January 2017.
  33. ^ "《你好,安怡》女性视角切入未来情感世界 马天宇戚薇主演". Netease (in Chinese). 4 March 2019.
  34. ^ "《一起深呼吸》曝先导海报 戚薇杨祐宁参演首部援外医疗群像剧". Ynet (in Chinese). 2 December 2019.
  35. ^ "《出发吧爱情》戚薇李承铉巴黎享甜蜜" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 24 July 2015.
  36. ^ "《挑战的法则》今日开录 大张伟潘玮柏戚薇加盟" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 25 April 2017.
  37. ^ "2006 Winners List". Tencent (in Chinese).
  38. ^ "第8届全球华语歌曲排行榜获奖名单" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 30 October 2008.
  39. ^ "第十九届东方风云榜完全获奖名单". NetEase (in Chinese). 7 April 2012.
  40. ^ "安徽卫视2012国剧盛典获奖名单" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 31 December 2012. Archived from the original on 7 November 2017. Retrieved 12 November 2017.
  41. ^ "Winners List 2013". YinYueTai.
  42. ^ "安徽卫视2013国剧盛典获奖名单" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 31 December 2013.
  43. ^ "Winners List 2014". YinYueTai.
  44. ^ "Winners List 2015". YinYueTai.
  45. ^ "华鼎奖提名公布 《和平饭店》《归去来》闪耀榜单". Netease (in Chinese). 22 October 2018.
  46. ^ "2018国剧盛典 获奖名单" (in Chinese). Sina Corp. 2 January 2019.
  47. ^ "罗晋戚薇获封年度品质男女演员 宋祖儿谈大学生活". Netease (in Chinese). 13 January 2019.
  48. ^ "金骨朵网络影视盛典提名揭晓 王一博肖战杨紫等入围". Ynet (in Chinese). 25 November 2019.
  49. ^ "第七届"中国电视好演员奖"候选名单,易烊千玺马思纯等超百名演员入围". Chongqing Chongbao (in Chinese). 15 September 2020.