Chokkanatha Nayak

Chokkanatha Nayak (1662—1682) succeeded his father Muttu Alkadri Nayak, as the ruler of the Madurai Nayak dynasty, when he was sixteen years old. Maratha king Shivaji Maharaj embarked on a South campaign in 1677. He visited Golkonda and had a friendly treaty with Qutbshah. Thereafter he proceeded against Bijapur Sultanate's southern realm. After capturing Ginjee and laying siege on Velore fort, he humbled Sherkhan Lodi of Valikandpuram. Chokkanath also agreed to pay Shivaji 6 lakh hons, after much hesitation. Shivaji's half brother Ekoji Raje resisted Shivaji and asked for help from his neighbours. Although Chokkanath agreed to send his forces as did the ruler of Mysore, but eventually none of them turned up. It was obvious that none of the rulers wanted an open confrontation with the now well reputed Maratha army.[1]

Inside view of Chokkanatha Nayak Palace, Tiruchirappalli


  1. ^ "New History of the Marathas Vol.1". 1946.