Yongcheng (prince)

Yongcheng (愛新覺羅 永珹, 21 February 1739 - 5 April 1777) was an imperial prince of Qing Dynasty.


Yongcheng was born on 21 February 1739 as the Qianlong Emperor's fourth son. His mother, Imperial Noble Consort Shujia, was entitled "Concubine Jia" at that time.[1] In 1763, Qianlong Emperor decided to adopt him into Prince Lü peerage as a grandson of Yuntao, Kangxi Emperor's 12th son because all the children of the prince Lüyi died prematurely. Yongcheng held the title Prince Lü of the Second Rank until his death on 5 April 1777. He was posthumously honoured as Prince Lü Duan of the First Rank (履端親王; meaning "implementing in a dignified way") in 1799. [2]


Primary Consort

Secondary Consort


Family tree

Family Tree of the Prince Lu peerage

In popular culture


  1. ^ 《清实录·乾隆朝实录·卷之五十八》/Chronicles of Qianlong era. Volume 58.
  2. ^ "嘉庆实录卷四十一"/"Chronicles of the Jiaqing era", volume 41.
  3. ^ 《奏謝臣姪女仰寵命獲侍皇子事》.
  4. ^ 《女孫直檔》/ "Reports on children".

Further reading