Microsoft Academic

Microsoft Academic was a free internet-based academic search engine for academic publications and literature, developed by Microsoft Research in 2016 as a successor of Microsoft Academic Search. Microsoft Academic was shut down in 2022. Both OpenAlex[1][2] and The Lens claim to be successors to Microsoft Academic. [3]


Microsoft Academic gained prominence because it profiled authors, organizations, keywords, and journals[4] and made the dataset available as open data, in contrast to Google Scholar. The search engine indexed over 260 million publications,[5] 88 million of which are journal articles.[5]

Preliminary reviews by bibliometricians suggested the new Microsoft Academic Search was a competitor to Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus for academic research purposes[6][7] as well as citation analysis.[8][9][10] However, it was primarily used as a resource in the field of computer science since that was the most completely indexed information.[11]

On May 4, 2021, Microsoft announced that the Microsoft Academic website and APIs would be retired on December 31, 2021.[12]

Thanks to the open data license, the Microsoft Academic dataset was merged into OpenAlex. However, the underlying software was proprietary and had to be rewritten.

That Microsoft launched and soon after shut down both Microsoft Academic and its predecessor Microsoft Academic Search has been interpreted as a sign that Microsoft "had never intended to enter into the business of scholarly metadata. Instead, the tech giant has been using data on scholarly communication as testing ground for big data and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies".[13]


The Academic Knowledge API offered information retrieval from the underlying database using REST endpoints for advanced research purposes.[14] The search engine provided not only search results and access to sources but also citation information that include the number of sources, g-index, and h-index.[15] Aside from academic publications, it was also used to find websites that contain state and local records.[16] The technology uses machine learning, semantic inference and knowledge discovery from sources crawled and indexed by the Bing search engine.[17]

Microsoft Academic replaced the earlier Microsoft research project, Microsoft Academic Search, which ended development in 2012.[18] The platform was developed in 2009 of the Microsoft Research branch in Asia and the project was headed by Zaiqing Nie.[4] Microsoft Academic was re-launched in 2016, as a tool that features an entirely new data structure and search engine using semantic search technologies.

See also


  1. ^ Priem, Jason; Piwowar, Heather; Orr, Richard (2022). "OpenAlex: A fully-open index of scholarly works, authors, venues, institutions, and concepts". arXiv:2205.01833 [cs.DL].
  2. ^ Singh Chawla, Dalmeet (24 January 2022). "Massive open index of scholarly papers launches". Nature. doi:10.1038/d41586-022-00138-y.
  3. ^
  4. ^ a b Ortega, Jose Luis (2014). Academic Search Engines: A Quantitative Outlook. Oxford: Elsevier. p. 71. ISBN 978-1-84334-791-0.
  5. ^ a b Microsoft Academic
  6. ^ Harzing, Anne-Wil. "Microsoft Academic (Search): a Phoenix arisen from the ashes?" (PDF). Scientometrics. Retrieved 29 January 2017.
  7. ^ Hug, Sven E.; Braendle, Martin P. (2017). "The coverage of Microsoft Academic: Analyzing the publication output of a university". Scientometrics. 113 (3): 1551–1571. arXiv:1703.05539. doi:10.1007/s11192-017-2535-3. S2CID 2458635.
  8. ^ Harzing, Anne-Wil; Alakangas, Satu. "Microsoft Academic: is the Phoenix getting wings?" (PDF). Scientometrics. Retrieved 29 January 2017.
  9. ^ Обнимаю, Свен Э.; Окснер, Майкл; Брэндл, Мартин П. (2017). «Анализ цитирования с помощью Microsoft Academic». Наукометрия . 111 : 371–378. arXiv : 1609.05354 . doi : 10.1007/s11192-017-2247-8. S2CID  14179411.
  10. ^ Хауншильд, Робин; Обнимаю, Свен Э.; Брэндл, Мартин П.; Борнманн, Лутц (2017). «Количество связанных ссылок на публикации в Microsoft Academic по сравнению с Web of Science». Наукометрия . 114 : 367–370. arXiv : 1710.04031 . doi : 10.1007/s11192-017-2567-8. S2CID  21342104.
  11. ^ Чоудхури, Г.Г.; Фу, Шуберт (2012). Цифровые библиотеки и доступ к информации: перспективы исследования . Издательство Фасет. п. 137. ИСБН 978-1-85604-821-7.
  12. ^ «Следующие шаги для Microsoft Academic — выход на новые горизонты» . Исследования Майкрософт . Проверено 28 мая 2021 г.
  13. ^ Тай, Аарон; Мартин-Мартин, Альберто; Хуг, Свен Э. (27 мая 2021 г.). «Прощай, Microsoft Academic. Привет, открытая исследовательская инфраструктура?». Влияние социальных наук . Проверено 2 мая 2022 г.
  14. ^ Майкрософт. «API академических знаний». Майкрософт . Проверено 29 января 2017 г.
  15. ^ Томас, К. Джордж (2021). Методология исследования и научное письмо, второе издание . Чам: Спрингер Природа. п. 241. ИСБН 978-3-030-64864-0.
  16. ^ Парсонс, Стивен П. (2019). Опрос и расследование: основные навыки для юриста . Фредерик, доктор медицинских наук: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. п. 505. ИСБН 978-1-5438-0107-1.
  17. ^ Ахми, Айди (2021). Библиометрический анализ для начинающих: начальное руководство, позволяющее начать библиометрическое исследование с использованием набора данных Scopus и таких инструментов, как Microsoft Excel, Harzing's Publish or Perish и программного обеспечения VOSviewer . п. 25.
  18. Ван Ноорден, Ричард (20 мая 2014 г.). «Упадок и падение Microsoft Academic Search». . Природа . Архивировано из оригинала 23 мая 2014 года . Проверено 22 декабря 2016 г.

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