Paperless society

A paperless society is a society in which paper communication (written documents, mail, letters, etc.) is replaced by electronic communication and storage. The concept originated by Frederick Wilfrid Lancaster in 1978.[1] Furthermore, libraries would no longer be needed to handle printed documents. "Librarians will, in time, become information specialists in a deinstitutionalized setting" (Lancaster & Smith, 1980). Lancaster also stated that both computers and libraries will not always give us the information that other people and living life will.[2]


See also


  1. ^ "Towards paperless information systems". CERN Document Server. Academic Press. 1978. Retrieved 2016-02-10.
  2. ^ a b Young, Arthur P. (2008).Aftermath of a Prediction: F. W. Lancaster and the Paperless Society LIBRARY TRENDS, 56(4),(“The Evaluation and Transformation of Information Systems: Essays Honoring the Legacy of F. W. Lancaster,” edited by Lorraine J. Haricombe and Keith Russell), pp. 843–858.