List of Germanic deities

A scene from one of the Merseburg Incantations: gods Wodan and Balder stand before the goddesses Sunna, Sinthgunt, Volla, and Friia (Emil Doepler, 1905)

In Germanic paganism, the indigenous religion of the ancient Germanic peoples who inhabit Germanic Europe, there were a number of different gods and goddesses. Germanic deities are attested from numerous sources, including works of literature, various chronicles, runic inscriptions, personal names, place names, and other sources. This article contains a comprehensive list of Germanic deities outside the numerous Germanic Matres and Matronae inscriptions from the 1st to 5th century CE.



Pseudo-deities and purported deities

Related deities


  1. ^ a b Simek (2007:26).
  2. ^ Simek (2007:43).
  3. ^ Bellows (1936:75).
  4. ^ Orchard (1997:32).
  5. ^ Orchard (1997:46).
  6. ^ Orchard (1997:47).
  7. ^ Orchard (1997:78).
  8. ^ Orchard (1997:83).
  9. ^ Orchard (1997:88).
  10. ^ Simek (2007:210).
  11. ^ Orchard (1997:123).
  12. ^ Orchard (1997:121).
  13. ^ Simek (2007:322).
  14. ^ Simek (2007:337).
  15. ^ Lindow (2001:301).
  16. ^ Orchard (1997:174—175).
  17. ^ Orchard (1997:173).
  18. ^ Simek (2007:363).
  19. ^ Lindow (2001:78).
  20. ^ August Fick, Vergleichendes Wörterbuch der Indogermanischen Sprachen Part 3 Wortschatz der Germanischen Spracheinheit, 4th ed. rev. Alf Torp, Hjalmar Falk, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1909, OCLC 491891019, "dîsî, dîsi," p. 206 Archived 18 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine.
  21. ^ Lindow (2001:105).
  22. ^ Orchard (1997:36).
  23. ^ Barnhart (1995:229).
  24. ^ Lindow (2001:126)
  25. ^ Lindow (2001:129).
  26. ^ Orchard (1997:49).
  27. ^ North (1997:71).
  28. ^ Simek (2007:106).
  29. ^ Orchard (1997:54).
  30. ^ Lindow (2001:147).
  31. ^ a b De Vries, Jan (20 April 2011). Die Götter – Vorstellungen über den Kosmos – Der Untergang des Heidentums (in German). Berlin: De Gruyter. p. 320. doi:10.1515/9783110855197. ISBN 978-3-11-085519-7.
  32. ^ Simek (2007:131).
  33. ^ a b Lindow (2001:177).
  34. ^ Hopkins, J.S., 2016–17. Goddesses Unknown III: On the Identity of the Old Norse Goddess Hlín. RMN Newsletter, 12–13, 30–36.
  35. ^ Simek (2007:159).
  36. ^ Grimm (1888:1374).
  37. ^ Hopkins, J.S., 2014. Goddesses Unknown II: On the Apparent Old Norse Goddess Ilmr. RMN Newsletter, 8, pp.32-38.
  38. ^ Lindow (2001:199).
  39. ^ Simek (2007:176).
  40. ^ Lindow (2001:213).
  41. ^ Simek (2007:227).
  42. ^ Lindow (2001:237–238)
  43. ^ Finnur Jónsson (1913:110) suggests a Njörðr connection, Magnússon (1989:671) suggests Njörðr and Nerio.
  44. ^ Hopkins, J.S., 2012. Goddesses Unknown I: Njǫrun and the Sister-Wife of Njǫrðr. The Retrospective Methods Network Newsletter, 5 (December 2012), 39-44.
  45. ^ Simek (2007:260).
  46. ^ Simek (2007:266).
  47. ^ Lindow (2001:265).
  48. ^ Nordisk Familjebok (1916:665).
  49. ^ Lindow (2001:266).
  50. ^ Orchard (1997:146).
  51. ^ Lindow (2001:268).
  52. ^ Simek (2007:287).
  53. ^ Simek (2007:296).
  54. ^ Orchard (1997:152).
  55. ^ Orchard (1997:157).
  56. ^ Orchard (1997:165).
  57. ^ Simek (2007:326–327).
  58. ^ Simek (2007:353).
  59. ^ Schonfeld, M. (Moritz) (1911). Wörterbuch der altgermanischen personen-und völkernamen; nach der überlieferung des klassischen altertums. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University Library. Heidelberg, C. Winter.
  60. ^ Simek (2007:368).
  61. ^ a b c d Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, Band 2. Leipzig 1905, S. 832.
