Angler's loop

An angler's loop, otherwise known as a perfection loop, is a type of knot which forms a fixed loop. Useful for fine or slippery line, it is one of the few loop knots which holds well in bungee cord. It is quite secure, but it jams badly and is not suitable if the knot will need to be untied.[according to whom?]


Angler's loop may be tied

Untightened angler's loop
Method of tying the angler's loop through an object

Angler's loop may be tied around the hand, it may also be tied this way one handed, or with several loops if need be:

Locked simple loop A half hitch around the loops root locks it
with several loops and locked first the loops in desired size, last loop is for the knot and may be smaller. half hitches around the loops roots locks them.


Overhand knot on standing part and half-hitch by the working end.

See also


External links