Чжу Юлан

Император Юнли ( упрощенный китайский :永历帝; традиционный китайский :永曆帝; пиньинь : Юнли Ди ; 1623–1662; правил 24 декабря 1646 — 1 июня 1662), личное имя Чжу Юлан , был четвертым и последним императором Южная династия Мин , правившая в неспокойные времена, когда бывшая династия Мин была свергнута, а возглавляемая маньчжурами династия Цин постепенно завоевала весь Китай . Он возглавил остатки сторонников Мин с помощью крестьянских армий, чтобы противостоять силам Цин на юго-западе Китая, но затем он был вынужден сослаться в Таунгу-Бирма и в конечном итоге схвачен и казнен У Сангуем в 1662 году. Его титул эпохи «Юнли» означает «вечный календарь».

Чжу Юлан был сыном Чжу Чанъина (朱常瀛), седьмого сына императора Ваньли , и вдовствующей императрицы Ма . Он унаследовал титул принца Гуй (桂王) от своего брата и прожил малоизвестную жизнь в качестве второстепенного члена императорской семьи Мин до восстаний крестьянских армий , которые привели к падению столицы империи Пекина и самоубийству императора Мин. последний император династии Мин, Чунчжэнь , после того, как лидер крестьянских повстанцев Ли Цзычэн захватил Пекин в 1644 году. Истинными бенефициарами краха Мин была династия Цин , которой правила новая нация маньчжуры из Маньчжурии . После массового бегства остатков Мин, в том числе бывшего генерала Мин У Сангуя , который позволил силам Цин пройти Великую стену Мин против Ли Цзычэна. Войска Цин разгромили крестьянские армии и быстро распространились на северный Китай, долину Нижней Янцзы и Центральный Китай . Лоялисты Мин продолжали сопротивление на юге Китая, при этом несколько бывших членов королевской семьи Мин перегруппировались на юге в попытке восстановить управление Мин, но все это потерпело неудачу из-за быстрого военного наступления Маньчжурии. Юлан взошел на трон в Чжаоцине как четвертый император Южного Мин в ноябре 1646 года.

К 1661 году, вынужденный вернуться в провинцию Юньнань , он бежал в Бирму. Армия Цин Хань Баннера во главе с У Сангуем преследовала его и захватила у короля Бирмы, и он был казнен в июне 1662 года.


Историческая справка

В апреле 1644 года император Чунчжэнь , последний император династии Мин, покончил жизнь самоубийством на Угольном холме , когда повстанческая армия вошла в Пекин . Шесть недель спустя, 5 июня, армия маньчжуров , народа из-за Великой стены, вошла в город и провозгласила конец Мин и начало Цин . [2] В последующие два года, когда Цин расширил свой контроль над северным Китаем, оставшиеся сторонники Мин попытались перегруппироваться на юге, но в быстрой последовательности императоры Хунгуан , Луну и Шаоу были схвачены и казнены.

Кампании на юге Китая

Zhu Youlang became "Caretaker of the State" on 20 November 1646, following the death of the Longwu emperor. When Longwu's brother then declared himself emperor with the reign-title Shaowu, Youlang himself ascended the throne (24 December 1646) as Yongli emperor. A brief civil war between the two emperors ended a month later when the Qing captured and executed Shaowu.[3][4]

Zhu Youlang succeeded to the throne with approval by his fathers widow and principal wife Empress Dowager Wang, who was his own adoptive mother, and during his first five years of reign, she acted as his adviser, and it was said that she was "...versed in letters, aware of current events, analytical about tasks and clear in her reasoning. After the Emperor assumed the throne there was nothing in which he did not follow her wishes."[5]

The continuing military pressure of the Qing forced Youlang to withdraw further into the south and west, first to Guilin in Guangxi, then to Jiangxi and Hunan, then south again to Nanning in Guangxi. He had a number of experienced and devoted followers, but became increasingly reliant on the military support of local warlords and bandit chieftains. The best and most effective of these was Li Dingguo, who for five years was highly successful in enlarging Southern Ming territories in the southwest.[4] This success, however, caused the Qing to place the entire region in the hands of the extremely capable former Ming official Hong Chengchou, who was named governor-general of five provinces. By 1658 Youlang had been forced back into Yunnan, on the very edge of China's southwestern frontier.

Flight and exile in Burma

The flight of Prince Gui, the last ruling descendant of the Ming dynasty, who reigned as the Yongli Emperor. The borders shown here are those of provinces in the People's Republic of China.

In 1658 Zhu Youlang retreated to Kunming in Yunnan, from where he sought refuge under the protection of Pindale Min (1608–1661), ninth king of the Taungoo dynasty of Burma. Pindale gave him permission to live at Sagaing, near the Burmese capital of Ava (both near the modern Burmese city of Mandalay), provided his men surrendered their weapons. He finally fled into Burma in 1661.

It soon became apparent to the Burmese that Zhu Youlang intended to carve himself a kingdom in Burma, and war broke out between the exiled prince and his hosts. The Chinese devastated the land around Ava but failed to capture it, thanks to the defence offered by Pindale's mercenary Portuguese artillery (led by a mysterious Mi-thari Kattan, which might be a Burmese attempt at an otherwise unknown "Mister Cotton"). Pindale's attempt to profiteer from the resulting famine led to his overthrow by his brother and chief general, Pye Min (meaning "Prince Pye"), in May 1661. Pye broke the siege and demanded that all the Chinese, with the exception of Youlang himself, swear allegiance to the king of Ava, after which they would be dispersed through the kingdom. The ceremony at which this was to be carried out turned into a disaster, with the Chinese, fearing that the plan was to murder them all, turning on the Burmese. Pye now ordered all the Chinese, again with the exception of Youlang, to be put to death.

At this point, in December 1661, a Qing army of 20,000 under Wu Sangui entered Burma and demanded the surrender of Youlang. Pye summoned his advisors, who pointed out that both the Burmese and the Chinese had previously delivered up persons to each other. In addition, Wu Sangui's army was large, and the Burmese had already suffered enough from the presence of their guest.[6] Accordingly, on 22 January 1662, the last monarch of the Southern Ming, together with his sons and grandsons, were put on boats and forwarded to Wu Sangui's camp near Ava.[7] Thinking that he was being taken to his longtime military protector Li Dingguo, the forlorn emperor only realized his real destination when he arrived at Wu's camp.[8]


Zhu Youlang, Prince of Gui and last serious claimant to the Ming throne, was delivered into the custody of Wu Sangui, a Chinese general who had once served the Ming, and Manchu prince, general, and high minister of state, Aixinga. He was transported to Yunnanfu, the capital of Yunnan, where in June he was personally strangled by Wu Sangui. Wu had played a major role in the overthrow of the dynasty, having opened the gates in the Great Wall to the Qing and later leading the Qing campaign against the Southern Ming. It is said that Youlang scorned Wu in his last moments, saying that he betrayed his people and country, and urged Wu to kill him faster because he was disgusted to see "a traitor's face."

The last Ming dynasty princes who held out against the Qing after Zhu Youlang were Zhu Shugui, Prince of Ningjing and Zhu Hónghuán, Prince of Lu who accompanied Koxinga to Taiwan. Zhu Shugui acted as his representative in the Kingdom of Tungning and performed rites in his name until 1683.


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  1. ^ Dates given here are in the Gregorian calendar.
  2. ^ On 1 June 1662 (Yongli 16, 15th day of 4th month; 永曆十六年四月十五日), the Yongli Emperor and his son was strangled with bowstrings in Kunming. After his death, the Kingdom of Tungning in Taiwan continued to use the Yongli era name until 1683 (Yongli 37; 永曆三十七年), when the Qing dynasty occupied Taiwan and Zheng Keshuang surrendered to the Qing.



  1. ^ a b 《南明史》本紀第四:永曆十七年癸卯,春正月庚午朔,正朔在東都。上凶聞至,延平王鄭經為發喪,上諡曰匡皇帝,廟號昭宗。
  2. ^ Keay, John (2008). China: A History. Harper. p. 410.
  3. ^ Fairbank, John King (1988-02-26). The Cambridge history of China: The Ming dynasty, 1368–1644, Part 1. Vol. 7. Cambridge University Press. p. 676. ISBN 9780521243322.
  4. ^ a b Mote, Frederick W. (2003). Imperial China 900-1800. Harvard University Press. p. 837. ISBN 9780674012127.
  5. ^ Lily Xiao Hong Lee, Sue Wiles: Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: v. 1: The Qing Period, 1644–1911
  6. ^ The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register, pp.188–190
  7. ^ Wakeman, Frederic Jr. (1985). The Great Enterprise: The Manchu Reconstruction of Imperial Order in Seventeenth-Century China. Vol. 2. Berkeley: University of California Press. p. 1035.
  8. ^ Shore, David Harrison (1976), "Last Court of the Ming China: The Reign of the Yung-li Emperor in the South (1647–1662)", Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton University, p. 208
    Cited in Wakeman, Frederic (1985). The Great Enterprise. Vol. 2. p. 1035, note 87.


External links

Media related to Yongli Emperor at Wikimedia Commons