Commando Parachute Group

The Commando Parachute Group (French: Groupement des Commandos Parachutistes, GCP) is a unit of elite pathfinders within the French Army's 11th Parachute Brigade (11e BP). These pathfinders are paratroopers drawn from the various regiments of the brigade who then undertake GCP training and must pass various requirements. Referred to as "commandos paras" (para commandos), they numbered less than 250 men in 2015 out of the more than 8,000 paratroopers serving in the 11e BP. This unit doesn’t belong to French Special Forces but to 11 Parachute Brigade.

The GCP also has what can be considered a sister unit within the French Army: the Groupement de Commandos de Montagne (Mountain Commando Group) or GCM, which is part of the 27th Mountain Infantry Brigade. While the GCP members are exclusively selected from airborne regiments, GCM commandos are drawn from the French mountain units, notably from the Alpine Hunter battalions.


The GCP were founded in 1965 as Équipes de Saut Ouverture à Grande Hauteur, SOGH (High Altitude Jump Teams or HAHO Teams). On January 1, 1982; the unit was renamed (C)ommandos de (R)enseignement et d'(A)ction dans la (P)rofondeur, CRAP (Reconnaissance and Deep Action Commandos), a designation nomination which was conserved till 1999. In 1969, the Deep Action and Reconnaissance Commandos (CRAP) of the 2e REP participate for the first time in Chad.


In 2007, the GCP aligns under their command 19 Teams of paratroopers commandos constituted of a dozen members. The GCP Teams are dispersed in the following French airborne regiments:

A Parachute Commando of a GCP Team with an FN SCAR-L during Exercise Falcon Amarante.


In order to serve in the GCP the candidate must meet the following requirements-

S I G Y C O P (Troupes Aéroportées)

2 1 2 3 3 2 1

S I G Y C O P (Chuteurs Opérationnels)

2 1 2 3 2 2 1

Upon completion of program, candidate is integrated in GCP Teams.

See also