Finite-difference time-domain method

In finite-difference time-domain method, "Yee lattice" is used to discretize Maxwell's equations in space. This scheme involves the placement of electric and magnetic fields on a staggered grid.

Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) or Yee's method (named after the Chinese American applied mathematician Kane S. Yee, born 1934) is a numerical analysis technique used for modeling computational electrodynamics (finding approximate solutions to the associated system of differential equations). Since it is a time-domain method, FDTD solutions can cover a wide frequency range with a single simulation run, and treat nonlinear material properties in a natural way.

The FDTD method belongs in the general class of grid-based differential numerical modeling methods (finite difference methods). The time-dependent Maxwell's equations (in partial differential form) are discretized using central-difference approximations to the space and time partial derivatives. The resulting finite-difference equations are solved in either software or hardware in a leapfrog manner: the electric field vector components in a volume of space are solved at a given instant in time; then the magnetic field vector components in the same spatial volume are solved at the next instant in time; and the process is repeated over and over again until the desired transient or steady-state electromagnetic field behavior is fully evolved.


Finite difference schemes for time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs) have been employed for many years in computational fluid dynamics problems,[1] including the idea of using centered finite difference operators on staggered grids in space and time to achieve second-order accuracy.[1]The novelty of Kane Yee's FDTD scheme, presented in his seminal 1966 paper,[2] was to apply centered finite difference operators on staggered grids in space and time for each electric and magnetic vector field component in Maxwell's curl equations. The descriptor "Finite-difference time-domain" and its corresponding "FDTD" acronym were originated by Allen Taflove in 1980.[3]Since about 1990, FDTD techniques have emerged as primary means to computationally model many scientific and engineering problems dealing with electromagnetic wave interactions with material structures. Current FDTD modeling applications range from near-DC (ultralow-frequency geophysics involving the entire Earth-ionosphere waveguide) through microwaves (radar signature technology, antennas, wireless communications devices, digital interconnects, biomedical imaging/treatment) to visible light (photonic crystals, nanoplasmonics, solitons, and biophotonics).[4] In 2006, an estimated 2,000 FDTD-related publications appeared in the science and engineering literature (see Popularity). As of 2013, there are at least 25 commercial/proprietary FDTD software vendors; 13 free-software/open-source-software FDTD projects; and 2 freeware/closed-source FDTD projects, some not for commercial use (see External links).

Development of FDTD and Maxwell's equations

An appreciation of the basis, technical development, and possible future of FDTD numerical techniques for Maxwell's equations can be developed by first considering their history. The following lists some of the key publications in this area.

FDTD models and methods

When Maxwell's differential equations are examined, it can be seen that the change in the E-field in time (the time derivative) is dependent on the change in the H-field across space (the curl). This results in the basic FDTD time-stepping relation that, at any point in space, the updated value of the E-field in time is dependent on the stored value of the E-field and the numerical curl of the local distribution of the H-field in space.[2]

The H-field is time-stepped in a similar manner. At any point in space, the updated value of the H-field in time is dependent on the stored value of the H-field and the numerical curl of the local distribution of the E-field in space. Iterating the E-field and H-field updates results in a marching-in-time process wherein sampled-data analogs of the continuous electromagnetic waves under consideration propagate in a numerical grid stored in the computer memory.

Illustration of a standard Cartesian Yee cell used for FDTD, about which electric and magnetic field vector components are distributed.[2] Visualized as a cubic voxel, the electric field components form the edges of the cube, and the magnetic field components form the normals to the faces of the cube. A three-dimensional space lattice consists of a multiplicity of such Yee cells. An electromagnetic wave interaction structure is mapped into the space lattice by assigning appropriate values of permittivity to each electric field component, and permeability to each magnetic field component.

This description holds true for 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D FDTD techniques. When multiple dimensions are considered, calculating the numerical curl can become complicated. Kane Yee's seminal 1966 paper proposed spatially staggering the vector components of the E-field and H-field about rectangular unit cells of a Cartesian computational grid so that each E-field vector component is located midway between a pair of H-field vector components, and conversely.[2] This scheme, now known as a Yee lattice, has proven to be very robust, and remains at the core of many current FDTD software constructs.

Furthermore, Yee proposed a leapfrog scheme for marching in time wherein the E-field and H-field updates are staggered so that E-field updates are conducted midway during each time-step between successive H-field updates, and conversely.[2] On the plus side, this explicit time-stepping scheme avoids the need to solve simultaneous equations, and furthermore yields dissipation-free numerical wave propagation. On the minus side, this scheme mandates an upper bound on the time-step to ensure numerical stability.[9] As a result, certain classes of simulations can require many thousands of time-steps for completion.

Using the FDTD method

To implement an FDTD solution of Maxwell's equations, a computational domain must first be established. The computational domain is simply the physical region over which the simulation will be performed. The E and H fields are determined at every point in space within that computational domain. The material of each cell within the computational domain must be specified. Typically, the material is either free-space (air), metal, or dielectric. Any material can be used as long as the permeability, permittivity, and conductivity are specified.

The permittivity of dispersive materials in tabular form cannot be directly substituted into the FDTD scheme. Instead, it can be approximated using multiple Debye, Drude, Lorentz or critical point terms. This approximation can be obtained using open fitting programs[70] and does not necessarily have physical meaning.

Once the computational domain and the grid materials are established, a source is specified. The source can be current on a wire, applied electric field or impinging plane wave. In the last case FDTD can be used to simulate light scattering from arbitrary shaped objects, planar periodic structures at various incident angles,[71][72] and photonic band structure of infinite periodic structures.[73][74]

Since the E and H fields are determined directly, the output of the simulation is usually the E or H field at a point or a series of points within the computational domain. The simulation evolves the E and H fields forward in time.

Processing may be done on the E and H fields returned by the simulation. Data processing may also occur while the simulation is ongoing.

While the FDTD technique computes electromagnetic fields within a compact spatial region, scattered and/or radiated far fields can be obtained via near-to-far-field transformations.[14]

Strengths of FDTD modeling

Every modeling technique has strengths and weaknesses, and the FDTD method is no different.

Weaknesses of FDTD modeling

Numerical dispersion of a square pulse signal in a simple one-dimensional FDTD scheme. Ringing artifacts around the edges of the pulse are heavily accentuated (Gibbs phenomenon) and the signal distorts as it propagates, even in the absence of a dispersive medium. This artifact is a direct result of the discretization scheme.[4]

Grid truncation techniques

The most commonly used grid truncation techniques for open-region FDTD modeling problems are the Mur absorbing boundary condition (ABC),[13] the Liao ABC,[16] and various perfectly matched layer (PML) formulations.[4][43][42][47] The Mur and Liao techniques are simpler than PML. However, PML (which is technically an absorbing region rather than a boundary condition per se) can provide orders-of-magnitude lower reflections. The PML concept was introduced by J.-P. Berenger in a seminal 1994 paper in the Journal of Computational Physics.[42] Since 1994, Berenger's original split-field implementation has been modified and extended to the uniaxial PML (UPML), the convolutional PML (CPML), and the higher-order PML. The latter two PML formulations have increased ability to absorb evanescent waves, and therefore can in principle be placed closer to a simulated scattering or radiating structure than Berenger's original formulation.

To reduce undesired numerical reflection from the PML additional back absorbing layers technique can be used.[76]


Notwithstanding both the general increase in academic publication throughput during the same period and the overall expansion of interest in all Computational electromagnetics (CEM) techniques, there are seven primary reasons for the tremendous expansion of interest in FDTD computational solution approaches for Maxwell's equations:

  1. FDTD does not require a matrix inversion. Being a fully explicit computation, FDTD avoids the difficulties with matrix inversions that limit the size of frequency-domain integral-equation and finite-element electromagnetics models to generally fewer than 109 electromagnetic field unknowns.[4] FDTD models with as many as 109 field unknowns have been run; there is no intrinsic upper bound to this number.[4]
  2. FDTD is accurate and robust. The sources of error in FDTD calculations are well understood, and can be bounded to permit accurate models for a very large variety of electromagnetic wave interaction problems.[4]
  3. FDTD treats impulsive behavior naturally. Being a time-domain technique, FDTD directly calculates the impulse response of an electromagnetic system. Therefore, a single FDTD simulation can provide either ultrawideband temporal waveforms or the sinusoidal steady-state response at any frequency within the excitation spectrum.[4]
  4. FDTD treats nonlinear behavior naturally. Being a time-domain technique, FDTD directly calculates the nonlinear response of an electromagnetic system. This allows natural hybriding of FDTD with sets of auxiliary differential equations that describe nonlinearities from either the classical or semi-classical standpoint.[4] One research frontier is the development of hybrid algorithms which join FDTD classical electrodynamics models with phenomena arising from quantum electrodynamics, especially vacuum fluctuations, such as the Casimir effect.[4][77]
  5. FDTD is a systematic approach. With FDTD, specifying a new structure to be modeled is reduced to a problem of mesh generation rather than the potentially complex reformulation of an integral equation. For example, FDTD requires no calculation of structure-dependent Green functions.[4]
  6. Parallel-processing computer architectures have come to dominate supercomputing. FDTD scales with high efficiency on parallel-processing CPU-based computers, and extremely well on recently developed GPU-based accelerator technology.[4]
  7. Computer visualization capabilities are increasing rapidly. While this trend positively influences all numerical techniques, it is of particular advantage to FDTD methods, which generate time-marched arrays of field quantities suitable for use in color videos to illustrate the field dynamics.[4]

Taflove has argued that these factors combine to suggest that FDTD will remain one of the dominant computational electrodynamics techniques (as well as potentially other multiphysics problems).[4]

See also


  1. ^ a b J. von Neumann; RD Richtmyer (March 1950). "A method for the numerical calculation of hydrodynamic shocks". Journal of Applied Physics. 21 (3): 232–237. Bibcode:1950JAP....21..232V. doi:10.1063/1.1699639.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Kane Yee (1966). "Numerical solution of initial boundary value problems involving Maxwell's equations in isotropic media". IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 14 (3): 302–307. Bibcode:1966ITAP...14..302Y. doi:10.1109/TAP.1966.1138693. S2CID 122712881.
  3. ^ a b A. Taflove (1980). "Application of the finite-difference time-domain method to sinusoidal steady state electromagnetic penetration problems" (PDF). IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. 22 (3): 191–202. Bibcode:1980ITElC..22..191T. doi:10.1109/TEMC.1980.303879. S2CID 39236486.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Allen Taflove and Susan C. Hagness (2005). Computational Electrodynamics: The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method, 3rd ed. Artech House Publishers. ISBN 978-1-58053-832-9.
  5. ^ Adapted with permission from Taflove and Hagness (2005).
  6. ^ Richard Courant; Kurt Otto Friedrichs; Hans Lewy (1928). "Über die partiellen Differenzengleichungen der mathematischen Physik". Mathematische Annalen (in German). 100 (1): 32–74. Bibcode:1928MatAn.100...32C. doi:10.1007/BF01448839. JFM 54.0486.01. MR 1512478. S2CID 120760331.
  7. ^ G. G. O’Brien, M. A Hyman, and S. Kaplan (1950). "A study of the numerical solution of partial differential equations". Journal of Mathematical Physics. 29 (1): 223–251. doi:10.1002/sapm1950291223. MR 0040805.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  8. ^ Dong-Hoa Lam (1969). "Finite Difference Methods for Electromagnetic Scattering Problems" (PDF). Mississippi State University, Interaction Notes. 44.
  9. ^ a b A. Taflove; M. E. Brodwin (1975). "Numerical solution of steady-state electromagnetic scattering problems using the time-dependent Maxwell's equations" (PDF). IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 23 (8): 623–630. Bibcode:1975ITMTT..23..623T. doi:10.1109/TMTT.1975.1128640.
  10. ^ A. Taflove; M. E. Brodwin (1975). "Computation of the electromagnetic fields and induced temperatures within a model of the microwave-irradiated human eye" (PDF). IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 23 (11): 888–896. Bibcode:1975ITMTT..23..888T. doi:10.1109/TMTT.1975.1128708.
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  12. ^ K. S. Kunz; K. M. Lee (1978). "A three-dimensional finite-difference solution of the external response of an aircraft to a complex transient EM environment". IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. 20 (2): 333–341. doi:10.1109/TEMC.1978.303727. S2CID 31666283.
  13. ^ a b G. Mur (1981). "Absorbing boundary conditions for the finite-difference approximation of the time-domain electromagnetic field equations". IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. 23 (4): 377–382. doi:10.1109/TEMC.1981.303970. S2CID 25768246.
  14. ^ a b K. R. Umashankar; A. Taflove (1982). "A novel method to analyze electromagnetic scattering of complex objects" (PDF). IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. 24 (4): 397–405. Bibcode:1982ITElC..24..397U. doi:10.1109/TEMC.1982.304054. S2CID 37962500.
  15. ^ A. Taflove; K. R. Umashankar (1983). "Radar cross section of general three-dimensional scatterers" (PDF). IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. 25 (4): 433–440. doi:10.1109/TEMC.1983.304133. S2CID 40419955.
  16. ^ a b Z. P. Liao; H. L. Wong; B. P. Yang; Y. F. Yuan (1984). "A transmitting boundary for transient wave analysis". Scientia Sinica, Series A. 27: 1063–1076.
  17. ^ W. Gwarek (1985). "Analysis of an arbitrarily shaped planar circuit — A time-domain approach". IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 33 (10): 1067–1072. Bibcode:1985ITMTT..33.1067G. doi:10.1109/TMTT.1985.1133170.
  18. ^ D. H. Choi; W. J. Hoefer (1986). "The finite-difference time-domain method and its application to eigenvalue problems". IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 34 (12): 1464–1470. Bibcode:1986ITMTT..34.1464C. doi:10.1109/TMTT.1986.1133564.
  19. ^ G. A. Kriegsmann; A. Taflove; K. R. Umashankar (1987). "A new formulation of electromagnetic wave scattering using an on-surface radiation boundary condition approach" (PDF). IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 35 (2): 153–161. Bibcode:1987ITAP...35..153K. doi:10.1109/TAP.1987.1144062.
  20. ^ T. G. Moore; J. G. Blaschak; A. Taflove; G. A. Kriegsmann (1988). "Theory and application of radiation boundary operators" (PDF). IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 36 (12): 1797–1812. Bibcode:1988ITAP...36.1797M. doi:10.1109/8.14402.
  21. ^ K. R. Umashankar; A. Taflove; B. Beker (1987). "Calculation and experimental validation of induced currents on coupled wires in an arbitrary shaped cavity" (PDF). IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 35 (11): 1248–1257. Bibcode:1987ITAP...35.1248U. doi:10.1109/TAP.1987.1144000.
  22. ^ A. Taflove; K. R. Umashankar; B. Beker; F. A. Harfoush; K. S. Yee (1988). "Detailed FDTD analysis of electromagnetic fields penetrating narrow slots and lapped joints in thick conducting screens" (PDF). IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 36 (2): 247–257. Bibcode:1988ITAP...36..247T. doi:10.1109/8.1102.
  23. ^ T. G. Jurgens; A. Taflove; K. R. Umashankar; T. G. Moore (1992). "Finite-difference time-domain modeling of curved surfaces" (PDF). IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 40 (4): 357–366. Bibcode:1992ITAP...40..357J. doi:10.1109/8.138836.
  24. ^ D. M. Sullivan; O. P. Gandhi; A. Taflove (1988). "Use of the finite-difference time-domain method in calculating EM absorption in man models" (PDF). IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 35 (3): 179–186. doi:10.1109/10.1360. PMID 3350546. S2CID 20350396.
  25. ^ X. Zhang; J. Fang; K. K. Mei; Y. Liu (1988). "Calculation of the dispersive characteristics of microstrips by the time-domain finite-difference method". IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 36 (2): 263–267. Bibcode:1988ITMTT..36..263Z. doi:10.1109/22.3514.
  26. ^ T. Kashiwa; I. Fukai (1990). "A treatment by FDTD method of dispersive characteristics associated with electronic polarization". Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 3 (6): 203–205. doi:10.1002/mop.4650030606.
  27. ^ R. Luebbers; F. Hunsberger; K. Kunz; R. Standler; M. Schneider (1990). "A frequency-dependent finite-difference time-domain formulation for dispersive materials". IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. 32 (3): 222–227. doi:10.1109/15.57116.
  28. ^ R. M. Joseph; S. C. Hagness; A. Taflove (1991). "Direct time integration of Maxwell's equations in linear dispersive media with absorption for scattering and propagation of femtosecond electromagnetic pulses" (PDF). Optics Letters. 16 (18): 1412–4. Bibcode:1991OptL...16.1412J. doi:10.1364/OL.16.001412. PMID 19776986.
  29. ^ J. G. Maloney; G. S. Smith; W. R. Scott Jr. (1990). "Accurate computation of the radiation from simple antennas using the finite-difference time-domain method". IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 38 (7): 1059–1068. Bibcode:1990ITAP...38.1059M. doi:10.1109/8.55618. S2CID 31583883.
  30. ^ D. S. Katz; A. Taflove; M. J. Piket-May; K. R. Umashankar (1991). "FDTD analysis of electromagnetic wave radiation from systems containing horn antennas" (PDF). IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 39 (8): 1203–1212. Bibcode:1991ITAP...39.1203K. doi:10.1109/8.97356.
  31. ^ P. A. Tirkas; C. A. Balanis (1991). "Finite-difference time-domain technique for radiation by horn antennas". Antennas and Propagation Society Symposium 1991 Digest. Vol. 3. pp. 1750–1753. doi:10.1109/APS.1991.175196. ISBN 978-0-7803-0144-3. S2CID 122038624.
  32. ^ E. Sano; T. Shibata (1990). "Fullwave analysis of picosecond photoconductive switches". IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 26 (2): 372–377. Bibcode:1990IJQE...26..372S. doi:10.1109/3.44970.
  33. ^ S. M. El-Ghazaly; R. P. Joshi; R. O. Grondin (1990). "Electromagnetic and transport considerations in subpicosecond photoconductive switch modeling". IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 38 (5): 629–637. Bibcode:1990ITMTT..38..629E. doi:10.1109/22.54932.
  34. ^ P. M. Goorjian; A. Taflove (1992). "Direct time integration of Maxwell's equations in nonlinear dispersive media for propagation and scattering of femtosecond electromagnetic solitons" (PDF). Optics Letters. 17 (3): 180–182. Bibcode:1992OptL...17..180G. doi:10.1364/OL.17.000180. PMID 19784268.
  35. ^ R. W. Ziolkowski; J. B. Judkins (1993). "Full-wave vector Maxwell's equations modeling of self-focusing of ultra-short optical pulses in a nonlinear Kerr medium exhibiting a finite response time". Journal of the Optical Society of America B. 10 (2): 186–198. Bibcode:1993JOSAB..10..186Z. doi:10.1364/JOSAB.10.000186.
  36. ^ R. M. Joseph; P. M. Goorjian; A. Taflove (1993). "Direct time integration of Maxwell's equations in 2-D dielectric waveguides for propagation and scattering of femtosecond electromagnetic solitons" (PDF). Optics Letters. 18 (7): 491–3. Bibcode:1993OptL...18..491J. doi:10.1364/OL.18.000491. PMID 19802177.
  37. ^ R. M. Joseph; A. Taflove (1994). "Spatial soliton deflection mechanism indicated by FDTD Maxwell's equations modeling" (PDF). IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 2 (10): 1251–1254. Bibcode:1994IPTL....6.1251J. doi:10.1109/68.329654. S2CID 46710331.
  38. ^ W. Sui; D. A. Christensen; C. H. Durney (1992). "Extending the two-dimensional FDTD method to hybrid electromagnetic systems with active and passive lumped elements". IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 40 (4): 724–730. Bibcode:1992ITMTT..40..724S. doi:10.1109/22.127522.
  39. ^ B. Toland; B. Houshmand; T. Itoh (1993). "Modeling of nonlinear active regions with the FDTD method". IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters. 3 (9): 333–335. doi:10.1109/75.244870. S2CID 27549555.
  40. ^ Aoyagi, P.H.; Lee, J.F.; Mittra, R. (1993). "A hybrid Yee algorithm/scalar-wave equation approach". IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 41 (9): 1593–1600. Bibcode:1993ITMTT..41.1593A. doi:10.1109/22.245683.
  41. ^ V. A. Thomas; M. E. Jones; M. J. Piket-May; A. Taflove; E. Harrigan (1994). "The use of SPICE lumped circuits as sub-grid models for FDTD high-speed electronic circuit design" (PDF). IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters. 4 (5): 141–143. doi:10.1109/75.289516. S2CID 32905331.
  42. ^ a b c d J. Berenger (1994). "A perfectly matched layer for the absorption of electromagnetic waves" (PDF). Journal of Computational Physics. 114 (2): 185–200. Bibcode:1994JCoPh.114..185B. doi:10.1006/jcph.1994.1159.
  43. ^ a b E.A. Navarro; C. Wu; P.Y. Chung; J. Litva (1994). "Application of PML superabsorbing boundary condition to non-orthogonal FDTD method". Electronics Letters. 30 (20): 1654–1656. Bibcode:1994ElL....30.1654N. doi:10.1049/el:19941139.
  44. ^ D. S. Katz; E. T. Thiele; A. Taflove (1994). "Validation and extension to three dimensions of the Berenger PML absorbing boundary condition for FDTD meshes" (PDF). IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters. 4 (8): 268–270. doi:10.1109/75.311494. S2CID 10156811.
  45. ^ C. E. Reuter; R. M. Joseph; E. T. Thiele; D. S. Katz; A. Taflove (1994). "Ultrawideband absorbing boundary condition for termination of waveguiding structures in FDTD simulations" (PDF). IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters. 4 (10): 344–346. doi:10.1109/75.324711. S2CID 24572883.
  46. ^ W.C. Chew; W.H. Weedon (1994). "A 3D perfectly matched medium from modified Maxwell's equations with stretched coordinates". Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 7 (13): 599–604. Bibcode:1994MiOTL...7..599C. doi:10.1002/mop.4650071304.
  47. ^ a b c S. D. Gedney (1996). "An anisotropic perfectly matched layer absorbing media for the truncation of FDTD lattices". IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 44 (12): 1630–1639. Bibcode:1996ITAP...44.1630G. doi:10.1109/8.546249.
  48. ^ Z. S. Sacks; D. M. Kingsland; R. Lee; J. F. Lee (1995). "A perfectly matched anisotropic absorber for use as an absorbing boundary condition". IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 43 (12): 1460–1463. Bibcode:1995ITAP...43.1460S. doi:10.1109/8.477075.
  49. ^ Q. H. Liu (1997). "The pseudospectral time-domain (PSTD) method: A new algorithm for solutions of Maxwell's equations". IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium 1997. Digest. Vol. 1. pp. 122–125. doi:10.1109/APS.1997.630102. ISBN 978-0-7803-4178-4. S2CID 21345353.
  50. ^ O. M. Ramahi (1997). "The complementary operators method in FDTD simulations". IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine. 39 (6): 33–45. Bibcode:1997IAPM...39...33R. doi:10.1109/74.646801.
  51. ^ J. G. Maloney; M. P. Kesler (1998). "Analysis of Periodic Structures". Chap. 6 in Advances in Computational Electrodynamics: The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method, A. Taflove, Ed., Artech House, Publishers.
  52. ^ A. S. Nagra; R. A. York (1998). "FDTD analysis of wave propagation in nonlinear absorbing and gain media". IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 46 (3): 334–340. Bibcode:1998ITAP...46..334N. doi:10.1109/8.662652.
  53. ^ S. C. Hagness; A. Taflove; J. E. Bridges (1998). "Two-dimensional FDTD analysis of a pulsed microwave confocal system for breast cancer detection: Fixed-focus and antenna-array sensors" (PDF). IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 45 (12): 1470–1479. doi:10.1109/10.730440. PMID 9835195. S2CID 6169784.
  54. ^ J. B. Schneider; C. L. Wagner (1999). "FDTD dispersion revisited: Faster-than-light propagation". IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters. 9 (2): 54–56. CiteSeerX doi:10.1109/75.755044.
  55. ^ F. Zhen; Z. Chen; J. Zhang (2000). "Toward the development of a three-dimensional unconditionally stable finite-difference time-domain method". IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 48 (9): 1550–1558. Bibcode:2000ITMTT..48.1550Z. doi:10.1109/22.869007.
  56. ^ F. Zheng; Z. Chen (2001). "Numerical dispersion analysis of the unconditionally stable 3-D ADI-FDTD method". IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 49 (5): 1006–1009. Bibcode:2001ITMTT..49.1006Z. doi:10.1109/22.920165.
  57. ^ J. A. Roden; S. D. Gedney (2000). "Convolution PML (CPML): An efficient FDTD implementation of the CFS-PML for arbitrary media". Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 27 (5): 334–339. doi:10.1002/1098-2760(20001205)27:5<334::AID-MOP14>3.0.CO;2-A. Archived from the original on 2013-01-05.
  58. ^ T. Rylander; A. Bondeson (2000). "Stable FDTD-FEM hybrid method for Maxwell's equations". Computer Physics Communications. 125 (1–3): 75–82. doi:10.1016/S0010-4655(99)00463-4.
  59. ^ M. Hayakawa; T. Otsuyama (2002). "FDTD analysis of ELF wave propagation in inhomogeneous subionospheric waveguide models". ACES Journal. 17: 239–244. Archived from the original on May 27, 2012.
  60. ^ J. J. Simpson; A. Taflove (2002). "Two-dimensional FDTD model of antipodal ELF propagation and Schumann resonance of the Earth" (PDF). IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 1 (2): 53–56. Bibcode:2002IAWPL...1...53S. CiteSeerX doi:10.1109/LAWP.2002.805123. S2CID 368964. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2010-06-17.
  61. ^ H. De Raedt; K. Michielsen; J. S. Kole; M. T. Figge (2003). "Solving the Maxwell equations by the Chebyshev method: A one-step finite difference time-domain algorithm". IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 51 (11): 3155–3160. arXiv:physics/0208060. Bibcode:2003ITAP...51.3155D. doi:10.1109/TAP.2003.818809. S2CID 119095479.
  62. ^ A. Soriano; E.A. Navarro; J. Portí; V. Such (2004). "Analysis of the finite difference time domain technique to solve the Schrödinger equation for quantum devices". Journal of Applied Physics. 95 (12): 8011–8018. Bibcode:2004JAP....95.8011S. doi:10.1063/1.1753661. hdl:10550/12837.
  63. ^ I. Ahmed; E. K. Chua; E. P. Li; Z. Chen (2008). "Development of the three-dimensional unconditionally stable LOD-FDTD method". IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 56 (11): 3596–3600. Bibcode:2008ITAP...56.3596A. doi:10.1109/TAP.2008.2005544. S2CID 31351974.
  64. ^ Taniguchi, Y.; Baba, Y.; N. Nagaoka; A. Ametani (2008). "An Improved Thin Wire Representation for FDTD Computations". IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 56 (10): 3248–3252. Bibcode:2008ITAP...56.3248T. doi:10.1109/TAP.2008.929447. S2CID 29617214.
  65. ^ R. M. S. de Oliveira; C. L. S. S. Sobrinho (2009). "Computational Environment for Simulating Lightning Strokes in a Power Substation by Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method". IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 51 (4): 995–1000. doi:10.1109/TEMC.2009.2028879.
  66. ^ F. I. Moxley III; T. Byrnes; F. Fujiwara; W. Dai (2012). "A generalized finite-difference time-domain quantum method for the N-body interacting Hamiltonian". Computer Physics Communications. 183 (11): 2434–2440. Bibcode:2012CoPhC.183.2434M. doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2012.06.012.
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  68. ^ Frederick Moxley; et al. (2014). Contemporary Mathematics: Mathematics of Continuous and Discrete Dynamical Systems. American Mathematical Society. ISBN 978-0-8218-9862-8.
  69. ^ R. M. S. de Oliveira; R. R. Paiva (2021). "Least Squares Finite-Difference Time-Domain". IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 69 (9): 6111–6115. Bibcode:2021ITAP...69.6111D. doi:10.1109/TAP.2021.3069576. S2CID 234307029.
  70. ^ "Fitting of dielectric function".
  71. ^ I. Valuev; A. Deinega; S. Belousov (2008). "Iterative technique for analysis of periodic structures at oblique incidence in the finite-difference time-domain method". Opt. Lett. 33 (13): 1491–3. Bibcode:2008OptL...33.1491V. doi:10.1364/ol.33.001491. PMID 18594675.
  72. ^ A. Aminian; Y. Rahmat-Samii (2006). "Spectral FDTD: a novel technique for the analysis of oblique incident plane wave on periodic structures". IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 54 (6): 1818–1825. Bibcode:2006ITAP...54.1818A. doi:10.1109/tap.2006.875484. S2CID 25120679.
  73. ^ A. Deinega; S. Belousov; I. Valuev (2009). "Hybrid transfer-matrix FDTD method for layered periodic structures". Opt. Lett. 34 (6): 860–2. Bibcode:2009OptL...34..860D. doi:10.1364/ol.34.000860. PMID 19282957. S2CID 27742034.
  74. ^ Y. Hao; R. Mittra (2009). FDTD Modeling of Metamaterials: Theory and Applications. Artech House Publishers.
  75. ^ D. Gallagher (2008). "Photonics CAD Matures" (PDF). LEOS Newsletter.
  76. ^ A. Deinega; I. Valuev (2011). "Long-time behavior of PML absorbing boundaries for layered periodic structures". Comput. Phys. Commun. 182 (1): 149–151. Bibcode:2011CoPhC.182..149D. doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2010.06.006.
  77. ^ S. G. Johnson, "Numerical methods for computing Casimir interactions," in Casimir Physics (D. Dalvit, P. Milonni, D. Roberts, and F. da Rosa, eds.), vol. 834 of Lecture Notes in Physics, ch. 6, pp. 175–218, Berlin: Springer, June 2011.

Further reading

The following article in Nature Milestones: Photons illustrates the historical significance of the FDTD method as related to Maxwell's equations:

Allen Taflove's interview, "Numerical Solution," in the January 2015 focus issue of Nature Photonics honoring the 150th anniversary of the publication of Maxwell's equations. This interview touches on how the development of FDTD ties into the century and one-half history of Maxwell's theory of electrodynamics:

The following university-level textbooks provide a good general introduction to the FDTD method:

External links

Free software/Open-source software FDTD projects:

Freeware/Closed source FDTD projects (some not for commercial use):