Enrichment factor

Enrichment factor is used to describe bodies of mineral ore. It is defined as the minimum factor by which the weight percent of mineral in an orebody is greater than the average occurrence of that mineral in the Earth's crust. It can be used to compare the necessary enrichment of different types of minerals for their recovery to be economically viable.[citation needed]

Determining enrichment factors

Enrichment Factors that relate to the economic viability of an orebody are largely determined by the following:

Other applications of enrichment factor


  1. ^ K. Loska, D. Wiechula, J. Pelczar, Application of Enrichment Factor to Assessment of Zinc Enrichment/Depletion in Farming Soils, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, Volume 36, Issue 9 & 10 May 2005, pages 1117 - 1128