Prince Naga

Prince Naga (長皇子; d. 9 July 715) was a Japanese prince. He was the son of Emperor Tenmu and Princess Ōe, daughter of Emperor Tenji. His full brother was Prince Yuge.


In the seventh year of Emperor Jito's rule (693) together with his brother Prince Yuge, he was conferred the rank of Kiyohiro 2 (equivalent to Sanhon). He became Nihon through the transition to the court rank system accompanying the enactment of the Taiho Code in 701.

Later, from the Monmu Dynasty to the Gen Ming Dynasty, 200 fudo were given in the first year of Keiun (704) and the seventh year of Wado (714). Among the princes of Emperor Tenmu, he had good lineage with his grandfather being Emperor Tenchi, and it was possible that he would be appointed Chidajokanji after Imperial Prince Hozumi, but he was appointed a month before Imperial Prince Hozumi. In the eighth year of the Wado era (715), he died on June 4. Though his age at death is unknown, judging from the timing of the birth of his daughter Princess Chinu, it is estimated that he was in his mid-forties to early fifties.

There is a theory that he was buried in the Kitora Tomb.



Consort and issues

Further reading