List of cities in Mongolia

This list includes cities in Mongolia of more than 7,500 inhabitants. The results are from the census of January 5, 2000 as well as from a population estimation for the end of 2008. If 2008 year data was not accessible, the closest and most reliable data was used and noted by an index.

The population for previous years show the historical significance of population growth and urbanisation throughout Mongolia.

Population data

The higher level administrative unit is the aimag, except for Ulaanbaatar which administers its own federal district (Nalaikh and Baganuur are administered by Ulaanbaatar). The numbers of inhabitants relate to the cities proper without surrounding districts.

Colour key:


  1. ^ Includes Nalaikh, Baganuur and Bagakhangai

See also


  1. ^ City Population - Historical population figures
  2. ^ Statistisches Bundesamt: Statistik des Auslands - Mongolei, 1985
  3. ^ Encyclopedia "Cartactual," published 01/01/85
  4. ^ City Population - Historical population figures
  5. ^ "NSO". Archived from the original on 2009-01-03. Retrieved 2009-01-03. National Statistical Office of Mongolia (accessed May 2, 2007)
  6. ^ City Population - Historical population figures
  7. ^ (2000) PADCO: Mongolia Urban Development and Housing Sector Strategy, Final Report, Vol. 2, published 2005.
  8. ^ "Mongolia extended population statistics". GeoHive. 2015. Archived from the original on 15 November 2015.
  9. ^ "Mongolian National Statistical Information Service". 2018.

External links