Ripple marks

Ancient wave ripple marks in sandstone, Moenkopi Formation, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah

In geology, ripple marks are sedimentary structures (i.e., bedforms of the lower flow regime) and indicate agitation by water (current or waves) or directly by wind.

Defining ripple cross-laminae and asymmetric ripples

Ripple marks in different environments

Ripple marks at Ile Mavert, Hudson Bay

Wave-formed ripples

Tidal megaripples in the Random Formation in Newfoundland[5]

Ripple marks formed by aeolian processes

Wind ripples on crescent-shaped sand dunes (Barchans) in Southwest Afghanistan (Sistan).
Normal ripples
Also known as impact ripples, these occur in the lower part of the lower flow regime sands with grain sizes between 0.3-2.5 mm and normal ripples form wavelengths of 7-14 cm. Normal ripples have straight or slightly sinuous crests approximately transverse to the direction of the wind.
These occur in the upper part of the lower flow regime where sand with bimodal particle size distribution forms unusually long wavelength of 1-25 m where the wind is not strong enough to move the larger particles but strong enough to move the smaller grains by saltation.
Transverse aeolian ridges
There is some thought that transverse aeolian ridges are a form of fossilized ripple, but there is no conclusive evidence so far.
Fluid drag ripples
Also known as aerodynamic ripples, these are formed with fine, well-sorted grain particles accompanied by high velocity winds which result in long, flat ripples. The flat ripples are formed by long saltation paths taken by grains in suspension and grains on the ground surface.


Crest and trough
The point on a wave with the maximum value or height. It is the location at the peak of the wave cycle as shown in picture to the right.
The opposite of a crest, so the minimum value or height in a wave. It is the location at the very lowest point of a wave cycle also shown in picture to right.
The lee side has a steeper slope than the stoss. The lee is always on the back side of the ripple, which is also on the opposite side of where the current flow meets the ripple. The current flows down the lee side.
The stoss is the side of a wave or ripple that has a gentle slope versus a steeper slope. Current always flows up the stoss side and down the lee side. This can be used to determine current flow during the time of ripple formation.

See also


  1. ^ Boggs Jr., Sam. (2006) Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, 4th ed.
  2. ^ Potter, Pettijohn. (1977) Paleocurrents and Basin Analysis
  3. ^ Nichols, Gary. (2009) Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, Wiley, ISBN 978-1405135924
  4. ^ Stow, Dorrik A.V., (2009) Sedimentary Rocks in the Field: A Color Guide, Academic Press, ISBN 978-0123694515
  5. ^ Hiscott, Richard N. (1982) Tidal deposits of the Lower Cambrian Random Formation, eastern Newfoundland: facies and paleoenvironments, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 19(10), 2028-2042,

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