University of Pattimura

University of Pattimura (Indonesian: Universitas Pattimura) is a public university in Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia. It was established on April 23, 1963. Its current rector is Prof. Dr. M. J. Saptenno, SH. M.Hum.[1]


Pattimura University was founded on the initiative of Dr. J. B. Sitanala and several community leaders who embody the aspirations of the people to participate in the development of the nation and country, especially in the fields of higher education and the development of science. The West Irian Maluku Higher Education Foundation was formed on July 20, 1955 chaired by Cornelis Loppies who succeeded in establishing the Faculty of Law on October 3, 1956. October 3, 1956 was then designated as the birthday of Pattimura University. On October 6, 1959, the Faculty of Social and Politics was opened, followed by the opening of the Teaching and Education Faculty on September 10, 1961. In order to fulfill the requirements to become a state university, two faculties of exact sciences were opened, namely the Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, on December Sept. 1, 1963.

On August 1, 1962 the West Irian Maluku Higher Education Foundation turned into a State University with the Decree of the Minister of PTIP Number 99 of 1962 dated August 8, 1962 with five Faculties, namely:

President Sukarno through Presidential Decree Number 66 of 1963 dated 23 April 1963 authorized the establishment of a university in Ambon which was named Pattimura University.

Faculty of Economics opened September 15, 1965,

The Faculty of Engineering was opened on April 16, 1970 by utilizing the extravagant buildings of the Ambon Faculty of Technology (FTA) project. In August 1964 the Faculty of Teaching and Education Sciences changed its status to become IKIP Jakarta Ambon Branch with its Chancellor Drs. F.F.H. Matruty. Then on September 16, 1969, the Ambon Branch of the Ambon Branch of the Jakarta Teachers' Training College was reintegrated into Pattimura University into two faculties, namely the Teaching Faculty and the Educational Sciences Faculty. In 1974 the Faculty of Animal Husbandry was supplemented by the Department of Fisheries and at the same time underwent a name change to the Faculty of Animal Husbandry/Fisheries.

Chancellor / University Leaders

Initially, Pattimura University based on Presidential Decree No. 66 of 1963 dated April 23, 1963 was led by a presidium consisting of

  1. Soemitro Hamidjoyo, S.H. - Chairman
  2. Muhammad Padang|Mohammad Padang - Member
  3. Drs. Soehardjo - Member
  4. Colonel Boesiri - Member
  5. Dr.M.Haulussy - Member

Furthermore, led by the chancellor as follows

  1. lr. L. Nanlohy, appointed as the first Chancellor of Pattimura University, Presidential Decree No. 40/M of 1971.
  2. M.R. Lestaluhu, S.H. Appointed as Chancellor of Unpatti Presidential Decree No. 69/M of 1976, Presidential Decree No. 43/M of 1981 (second term).
  3. Dr. lr. J.Ch. Lawalatta, M.Sc. appointed as Chancellor University of Pattimura. Presidential Decree Number 89/M of 1985.
  4. Prof. DR. lr. J.L. Nanere, M.Sc. stipulated by Presidential Decree Number 247/M of 1989.
  5. Dr. M. Huliselan as Chancellor of Pattimura University, Presidential Decree No. 207/M of 1994,
  6. Prof. Dr. H.B. Tetelepta, MPd, first period 2004-2008 and second period 2008 - 2012.
  7. Prof Dr. Thomas Pentury, M.Si, period 2012 - 2016,
  8. Prof. Dr. Marthinus Johanes Saptenno, SH., M.Hum, period 2016 to date


Based on Presidential Decree Number 73 of 1982 concerning the organizational structure of Pattimura University, currently Pattimura University has 9 Faculties and Postgraduate Programs, with stages of Bachelor, Professional, Masters and Doctoral Education, namely:



  1. ^ "University of Pattimura", Wikipedia, 2023-01-28, retrieved 2023-01-28
  2. ^ Terabaru, Berita (May 29, 2018). "Upstream Oil and Gas Industry in Papua and Maluku Opens Migas Corner at Universitas Pattimura". Lelemuku. Retrieved January 2, 2022.

External links