Government employees in Pakistan

Government employees in Pakistan encompass all individuals employed by the government, including both civil and military personnel, who fulfill their duties within federal, provincial, or district areas of the government of Pakistan. Their recruitment and appointment in respective services adhere to the specifications outlined in the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan. Appointment and selection of appointees do not discriminate based on gender, ethnicity, race, or sectarian factors. Vacancies within each establishment for the employment of official staff are legally sanctioned by legislators and decision-making bodies. [1]

Each governmental entity has its designated workforce and allocated resources specified for official tasks and responsibilities. Recruitment for positions within these entities varies according to qualification, both in terms of tier and occupation. All services operate within a hierarchical structure, with officials categorized into different grades, typically delineated by a basic pay scale structure. This categorization ensures the smooth, transparent, and meticulous execution of tasks, with remuneration commensurate with assigned responsibilities. [2]

Pay scales of employees

Responsibilities and tasks associated with each official position vary depending on the type of organization in which appointees are employed. Therefore, various pay scales are established in accordance with the nature of the job, taking into account the competitive environment. Each type of pay scale may differ in the amount paid to each official, as well as in the perks and privileges provided. [3]

However, equivalence criteria within various types of pay scales have also been established, as outlined in the following tables.

Equivalence of Officials based on pay scales in Pakistan

Equivalence of Gazetted Officers based on pay scales in Pakistan

Gazetted Officers in Pakistan

Levels of Pay

While there are several Pay Scale Systems in Pakistan besides the Basic Pay Scale (BPS), the BPS is the most widely used pay scale system in the country. The majority of government departments and organizations adhere to the BPS System. Examples of other pay systems in Pakistan include the Special Pay Scale (SPS) and army scales, while private organizations, companies, and industries are free to devise their own pay structures, subject to the government setting a minimum salary for private employees.

BPS scales undergo regular revisions every few years. They were revised in 2008, then again in 2011 after three years, and once more in 2015 after four years, taking into account the inflation rate in Pakistan. As of the latest update, the Basic Pay Scale Structure for 2022 has been introduced.

It's important to note that minimum pay, maximum pay, annual increments, and all other allowances are denoted in Pakistani rupees. Civil servants also receive various other allowances in addition to their basic pay, according to the rules of their department/organization and their terms of service. These allowances may include Ad hoc Relief Allowance, Medical Allowance, Special Pay, Conveyance Allowance, House Rent Allowance, and several other miscellaneous allowances, as applicable.

Both the Federal Government and provincial governments have their own separate pay systems, which are closely similar to each other. Pay, emoluments, allowances, pensions, and all other perks and privileges for government serving/retired servants not only vary with their status, rank, appointment, and service duration but also with their affiliated services. For instance, an officer holding the appointment of additional secretary in the Federal Government is classified as grade 21. However, the same appointment held by an incumbent in the Provincial Government would be of grade 19. Therefore, appointments also vary in scale depending on the individual's affiliated service. [7]

Promotion opportunities

The Central Selection Board (CSB) of the Federal Public Service Commission is supposed to meet twice in a year to consider promotion opportunities for the appointed employees of Civil Service of Pakistan.[5]


  1. ^ "The Civil Service Regulations (C.S.R)" (PDF).
  3. ^ "A Study on the Civil Service Structure" (PDF).
  4. ^ a b c Malik Asad (21 February 2017). "Top bureaucrats promoted to grade 22". Dawn (newspaper). Retrieved 29 June 2018.
  5. ^ a b c Imran Mukhtar (10 February 2013). "CSB (Central Selection Board) meets tomorrow to consider 300 babus' (bureaucrats) promotion". The Nation (newspaper). Retrieved 29 June 2018.
  6. ^ a b c d e Malik Asad (25 May 2014). "Boon for PAS (Pakistan Administrative Service) angers other civil service groups". Dawn (newspaper). Retrieved 29 June 2018.
  7. ^ "Civil Servants Salary Structure" (PDF).

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