
Neotyphodium is a genus of endophytic fungi symbiotic with grasses. It used to contain a number of asexually reproducing species that colonize the leaves of cool-season grasses, but most of them, including the type species N. coenophialum, were merged into the genus Epichloë in 2014.[1] Two species of unclear position were excluded from this treatment:


  1. ^ Leuchtmann, A.; Bacon, C. W.; Schardl, C. L.; White, J. F.; Tadych, M. (2014). "Nomenclatural realignment of Neotyphodium species with genus Epichloë". Mycologia. 106 (2): 202–215. doi:10.3852/13-251. ISSN 0027-5514. PMID 24459125.
  2. ^ Schardl; et al. (1991). "Molecular phylogenetic relationships of nonpathogenic grass mycosymbionts and clavicipitaceous plant pathogens". Pl. Syst. Evol. 178 (1): 27–41. doi:10.1007/BF00937980.