Kostrad 2nd Infantry Division

The 2nd Infantry Division (Indonesian: Divisi Infanteri 2 Kostrad) abbreviated "Divif 2/Kostrad" , is an army strategic reserves command division of the Indonesian Army. The divisional commander is a two-star Major General. The division's headquarters are in Malang (East Java).[1]

Organization of the 2nd Infantry Division of the Army Strategic Reserve Command

The division contains multiple Army combat units including Infantry (Airborne, Mechanized, and Raider), Cavalry (now can be categorized as Armor units), Artillery, and other support units.

Like the 1st Division, this division is known as a combined arms division part of Kostrad within the Indonesian Army.

The first Kostrad division to be activated, it traces its origins to Decree of Chief of Staff of the Army KPTS 342/4/1961 dated 17 April 1961 by Chief of Staff GEN Abdul Haris Nasution, since then marked as the division's Raising Day.


Kostrad 6th Raider Mechanized Infantry Brigade on a parade in Sukoharjo City, 2019
CAESAR battery of the 12th Field Artillery Battalion (Yon Armed 12) Kostrad, 2021
Pindad Badak being accepted by the Kostrad 8th Cavalry Company, 2022

The division is composed of 3 Infantry Brigades, 1 Artillery Regiment and supporting elements including independent Battalion units, and Company.

See also


  1. ^ Tim Huxley, 'Indonesia's armed forces face up to new threats,' Jane's Intelligence Review, January 1997, p.40

Further reading

External links