List of city mayors of Gdańsk

Office of the city mayor

This article lists the people holding the office of either the mayor of Danzig (German: Bürgermeister von Danzig) or the city mayor of Danzig (German: Oberbürgermeister von Danzig), between 1308 and 1945, as well as the city mayor of Gdańsk (Polish: prezydent miasta Gdańska) from 1945 to the present day (or holders of the equivalent offices during communism).

Historical outline

Mayors or city mayors of Danzig

Teutonic Order

Note that dates overlap. This is because there were four mayors. First was titled president and had highest power, the rest were named second mayor, third mayor and fourth mayor. After a year the president gave power to the second mayor, and became the fourth mayor. The process repeated itself, interrupted by deaths and elections of new mayors.

Kingdom of Poland

Teutonic Order lost Danzig to Poland after 1454, during the Thirteen Years' War, and by the Second Peace of Thorn (1466)

Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth begun in 1569 with the Union of Lublin, which transformed the personal union of Poland and Lithuania into a real union and also reintegrated Pomerelia as part of Royal Prussia into the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland

Kingdom of Prussia

Free City of Danzig (Napoleonic)

Kingdom of Prussia and German Empire

Free City of Danzig

Free City of Danzig created by the Treaty of Versailles
Senate of the Free City of Danzig

World War II

Free City occupied by Nazi Germany and incorporated into the Reichsgau Danzig-West Prussia

City mayors of Gdańsk and equivalents

City mayors of Gdańsk 1945–1950

Presidents of Presidium of the City National Council of Gdańsk 1950–1973

Between 1950–1973 functions of the city mayor of Gdańsk and president of the City National Council of Gdańsk were combined into one office.

City mayors of Gdańsk 1973–1990

Paweł Adamowicz, mayor from 1998 until his assassination in 2019.

City mayors of Gdańsk from 1990

Speakers of the municipal legislature

Presidents of the Volkstag (1920-1939)

Chairpersons of the City National Council of Gdańsk 1945–1950

1945–1948 – Alfred Kossakowski
1948–1949 – Leon Srebrnik
1949–1950 – Bolesław Gemza

Presidents of the Presidium of the City National Council of Gdańsk 1950–1973

Between 1950–1973 functions of the city mayor of Gdańsk and chairperson of the City National Council of Gdańsk were combined into one office.

Chairpersons of the City National Council of Gdańsk 1973–1990

Chairpersons of the City Council of Gdańsk from 1990

See also

External links