Anatol Vidrașcu

Anatol Vidrașcu (born 2 April 1949) is an editor and activist from Moldova. He is CEO of the Editorial Group "Litera"[1] and is a leader of the Democratic Forum of Romanians in Moldova.[2]


Anatol Vidrașcu graduated from the Moldova State University in 1975. Between 1975 and 1989 he worked for "Literatura artistică" publishing house. On 3 May 1989 he created the Editorial Group "Litera".[3] Since 1989, the group has published over 1500 titles.[1]

Anatol Vidrașcu is the president of the European Cultural Institute (Romanian: Institutul Cultural European).[1] He was a leader of the Liberal Party.[4][1]



  1. ^ a b c d Anatol Vidraşcu. Editorul vieţii sale Archived 2011-10-09 at the Wayback Machine
  2. ^ Declaration of the Democratic Forum of Romanians in Moldova on the need for removal outlawed Communist Party Archived 2011-02-18 at the Wayback Machine
  3. ^ Timpul de dimineaţă, Anatol Vidrascu, director general al Grupului Editorial Litera
  4. ^ Partidul Liberal (PL)
  5. ^ Români între români: Lucinschi, Mistreţ şi Teodora

External links