Antonio de Torquemada

For other people with this surname, see Torquemada

Antonio de Torquemada (circa 1507, León, Spain - 1569), was a Spanish writer of the Renaissance.[1]

He studied humanities in Salamanca. Between 1528 and 1530 he lived in Italy and he was secretary of the Count of Benavente.

He composed popular works that were translated in France, Italy and England. His Coloquios satíricos are developed in a pastoral frame, that is an advance to the pastoral literature. Two of his famous works, Don Olivante de Laura and Jardín de Flores curiosas were mentioned by Miguel de Cervantes in the first part of Quijote. His complete works were published in the '90s in Madrid.



  1. ^ Coordinators: Alonso, Juan / Matas, Juan Caballero / Trabado, José (2005) La maravilla escrita, Antonio de Torquemada y el Siglo de Oro. ISBN 84-9773-193-X. Universidad de León, Servicio de Publicaciones.