Artem Skoropadskyi

Artem Skoropadskyi was a Ukrainian journalist, editor, activist, and press secretary of the Ukrainian nationalist organization Right Sector.

Early life and education

Skoropadskyi was born in Moscow and studied at Moscow State University.[1]


In 2005, Skoropadskyi moved to Ukraine and began working as a correspondent for Kommersant-Ukraine.[1] Two years later, he organized a rally in Sevastopol to protest the presence of Russian troops in Crimea.[2]

During the Maidan protests in 2013, he quit journalism and became the press secretary of the nationalist group Right Sector.[1]

In 2017, a Russian court issued an order for his arrest, and in 2020, he was wanted by the FSB for his support for Ukraine in the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War.[3]

Later, he worked as the chief editor of Kraina magazine.[1] He became a Ukrainian citizen in 2021 by decree of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, after Skoropadskyi expressed frustration that Ukrainian law did not allow him to renounce his Russian citizenship without visiting the Russian Embassy.[3]

Skoropadskyi authored a book titled "Two Ukraines".[1]

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Skoropadskyi organized the delivery of food to the front line.[4]

Personal life

Skoropadskyi married Olena Solodovnikova after meeting her at a book signing in October 2019.[4]

Skoropadskyi died on December 10, 2022, of a stomach illness.[5]


  1. ^ a b c d e "Помер Артем Скоропадський - журналіст та колишній прессекретар "Правого сектору"". BBC. BBC. Retrieved 16 January 2023.
  2. ^ ""УНА-УНСО проведет митинг в Севастополе"".
  3. ^ a b "Спікер "Правого сектору" Артем Скоропадський отримав громадянство України". Детектор медіа. Детектор медіа. Retrieved 16 January 2023.
  4. ^ a b ""Помер Артем Скоропадський... Світла пам'ять бійцеві інформаційного фронту України"".
  5. ^ Скаврон, Богдан. "У реанімації помер колишній прессекретар "Правого сектору" Артем Скоропадський У реанімації помер колишній прессекретар "Правого сектору" Артем Скоропадський". TCH. Retrieved 16 January 2023.