Big Wolf on Campus

Big Wolf on Campus is a Canadian television series created by Peter A. Knight and Christopher Briggs that ran from 1999 to 2002. The central plot revolves around a teenage boy named Thomas "Tommy" P. Dawkins, who was bitten by a werewolf during a camping trip in the woods a week before his senior year of high school. After the bite transforms him into a werewolf, he fights against vampires, werecats, ghosts, zombies, and other supernatural entities to keep his hometown of Pleasantville safe - even though almost everyone in Pleasantville believes that their protector, dubbed the "Pleasantville Werewolf", is dangerous.


Thomas "Tommy" P. Dawkins is a teenager who is bitten by a werewolf during a camping trip. After returning to his home town of Pleasantville, of which his father is the mayor, there are sightings of the "Pleasantville Werewolf". The first person to find out that Tommy is the Pleasantville Werewolf is Tommy's goth friend Merton J. Dingle, a keen expert of the supernatural. Together, they battle other paranormal creatures that come into their town. Despite Tommy's best efforts to protect Pleasantville, almost everybody sees him as a dangerous monster, including twin brothers Tim and Travis Eckert who are obsessed with hunting the werewolf down.

In the first season, Tommy's love interest is Stacy Hanson, and most of the other characters are completely unaware of Tommy's secret. They date at some points but due to Tommy's vigilante lifestyle as a lycanthrope, his transformations interfere with their relationship. At the end of the first season, Stacy leaves for college after graduation.

Some of the antagonists in the series take a toll on Tommy, such as the werewolf who bit him. Tommy also stands against a Werewolf Syndicate who intends on using Tommy to create other werewolves, as they are unable to since they are not Alphas like Tommy.

Taking Stacy's place as Tommy's love interest is Lori Baxter, a former Catholic school girl who was expelled for vandalism. Lori is an expert fighter who realizes Tommy's secret and later befriends Tommy and Merton and joins them in fighting evil.

Along with Tommy's relationships, some of the drama they struggle with is Merton being temporarily cursed by Medusa, as well as their frequent encounters with the Syndicate. At some point Merton and Lori, on two occasions, are turned into werewolves themselves. Merton is accidentally bitten while doing dental work on Tommy, and becomes excited at the notion of becoming a werewolf, and Lori is bitten by Tommy after he is brainwashed during an encounter with the Syndicate, which results in a takeover. Both are cured before becoming permanent werewolves, but Tommy, despite his own attempts at being cured, is unsuccessful in finding a cure as he is a full werewolf. Despite this, he accepts that being a werewolf is his fate; though an unwanted one.


Cast and characters

Other characters


Recurring gags

See also


  1. ^ Heffley, Lynn "‘Big Wolf on Campus’ Offers Quirky Comedy", Los Angeles Times, 9 April 1999
  2. ^ a b "FAQ". Retrieved 2 March 2019.

External links