House of Bourbon-Maine

The House of Bourbon-Maine was a legitimate branch of the House of Bourbon, being thus part of the Capetian dynasty. It was founded in 1672 when Louis-Auguste de Bourbon, duc du Maine was legitimised by his father, King Louis XIV of France.

History and Founder

Louis-Auguste, founder of the House of Bourbon-Maine, was the first-born illegitimate son of Louis XIV of France and his mistress, Madame de Montespan.

Immediately after his birth in 1670, he was entrusted to the care of Madame Scarron, one of his mother's acquaintances, who brought him to a private house on the rue de Vaugirard, close to the Luxembourg Palace, in Paris. In 1672, the king legitimised him and other younger siblings he had fathered with Mme de Montespan. At the time of his legitimation, Louis-Auguste received the title of duc du Maine.

In 1692, Louis Auguste married Anne-Louise-Bénédicte de Bourbon-Condé, the daughter of Henry III Jules de Bourbon, prince de Condé.

The Children of the duc du Maine

Louis-Auguste and his wife had seven children, only three of whom lived to adulthood. All died without issue.

The House of Bourbon-Maine became extinct at the death of Louis Charles de Bourbon, comte d'Eu.[1] It had been in existence for just over a century.

Heads of the House


Other illegitimate houses

See also


  1. ^ "Louis-Auguste de Bourbon, Duc du Maine". Party like 1660. 25 October 2017. Retrieved 30 April 2024.