Cabinet of Yemen

The Cabinet of Yemen refers to the governing body of the internationally recognized government of the Republic of Yemen, led by its President Rashad al-Alimi, who is also the chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), the governing body of Yemeni republic.

Another faction of the Cabinet of Yemen refers to the governing body of the Houthis supported Cabinet of the Republic of Yemen, led by its President Mahdi al-Mashat, who is also the chairman of the Supreme Political Council (SPC), the governing body of Yemeni republic based in capital Sanaa.

Flag of Yemen

As part of the 2015 Yemeni Civil War, the cabinet authority is contested by the Houthis, who took over the capital Sanaa in an armed rebellion against the government and formed the Supreme Revolutionary Committee and Supreme Political Council in 2015. President Hadi then declared Aden as the temporary capital. The United Nation Security Council resolution 2201 denounced the actions of Houthis. UN security council's resolution 2216 declared that it considers the Hadi-led government as the "legitimate Government of Yemen" and denounced what it described as the "unilateral actions taken by the Houthis".

Mansur Hadi resigned on 7 April 2022, after transferring his presidential powers to the eight-member Presidential Leadership Council (PLC). PLC officially assumed power on 17 April 2022. The PLC's chairman, Rashad al-Alimi, subsequently became the president of the Yemeni Republic.[1]


In 2012, after Saleh stepped down as a result of the Yemeni Revolution, part of the wider Arab Spring protests, in a political transition plan backed by Gulf states, Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi became the interim president and oversaw a national dialogue to draft a more inclusive, federal constitution. In 2014 the Houthis rapidly advanced south from Saada and seize Sanaa on 21 September with help from Saleh. In 2015, Hadi tried to announce a new federal constitution. The Houthis, who opposed the constitution, arrested him and forced him to resign. He escaped to Aden and declared it as the interim capital. He also asked the international community to intervene, triggering the Saudi led Arab military coalition intervention.[2] Some analysts considered the Hadi-led government to be a satellite regime of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.[3][4][5][6]

Current Cabinet PLC

PLC Led Cabinet

Current Cabinet SPC

SPC Led Cabinet

See also


  1. ^ Ardemagni, Eleonora (9 June 2022). "Yemen's Post-Hybrid Balance: The New Presidential Council". Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Retrieved 11 February 2023.
  2. ^ "Timeline: Yemen's slide into political crisis and war". Reuters. 21 March 2019.
  3. ^ "ANALYSIS: Saudi Arabia plays puppet master as Yemen slowly breaks apart". Middle East Eye. 2 February 2018.
  4. ^ "Riyadh enters the fray". The Economist. 28 March 2015.
  5. ^ "Detailing America's role in the world's worst crisis with Shireen Al-Adeimi: podcast & transcript". NBC. 14 September 2018.
  6. ^ "U.S. Support for the Saudi War on Yemen". The National Interest. 18 December 2018.

External links