Committee P

The Committee P (Dutch: Comité P French: Comité P, German: Komitee P), or the Permanent Oversight Committee on the Police Services (Dutch: Vast Comité van Toezicht op de politiediensten, French: Comité permanent de contrôle des services de police), exercises external oversight over the Belgian police and all civil servants with police authority. It is responsible to the Belgian Chamber of Representatives, the lower house of the Belgian Federal Parliament, which appoints and dismisses its members.


The president of the Committee P must be a magistrate.


  1. ^ Stéphane Detaille, P. Yves Keppens, procureur du Roi de Furnes, assure la présidence ad interim, Le Soir, 3 November 2011
  2. ^ Yves Keppens accède à la présidence du Comité P, Le Soir, 7 January 2012
  3. ^ "Bart Van Lijsebeth nouveau patron du Comité P", Le Soir, 10 October 2008
  4. ^ "Bart Van Lijsebeth à la tête du Comité P", Le Soir, 10 December 2009

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