Desafío: La Gran Batalla

All-Stars Desafío: La Gran Batalla is a Spanish-language American reality television game show produced by Spanish-language network Univision. The series was originally broadcast from May 2, 2010 to September 2, 2010. Hosted by Argentine actor Michel Brown. The show is based on the Colombian reality show Desafío, which itself shares many similarities to the popular American show Survivor. However, the format differs in several ways.



The show features 18 contestants, all Latin American United States citizens. They are taken to an island in Panama, where they compete in various challenges until only three remain. These three are voted on by the viewing public to win the grand prize.[1]

The teams are established based on which region of Latin America each player originates from, either directly or indirectly. Each team received a name and a color. The "Jaguares" represent Mexico and Central America and will bear the color green; the "Barracudas" represent the Caribbean and will wear blue; and the "Aguilas" come from South America and will use the color orange.


On each episode, the teams will participate in three challenges or "desafíos":[1]


Elimination Table

The Game

Territorial Challenges

Determine living conditions: Playa Alta (best), Media (average), Baja (worst).


During each episode, the team that wins the Desafío de Salvación serves as judge at the "Juicio", and the team that loses the Desafío Final has to eliminate a member of the team.

^1 Josephine (from the Barracudas) had to be abandon the show due to a fractured foot.

^2 On the first vote, Tinno and Yunior came out tied, and the Aguilas chose to eliminate Tinno.


Chapter 1

The three teams competed for the best living conditions. The Eagles won the best beach, while the Jaguars endured tough conditions outside. In the end, however, the underdog Jaguars won Immunity. The Eagles and Barracudas fought in the second half of the challenge and Diego and Jilis held the Eagles back. Later, Diego was accused of not giving his all. At the voting ceremony, Jilis commented that everyone had decided not to plot and to keep their vote personal. The vote ended up 3-1-1-1 against Diego, with Hernán, Angélica and Jilis also receiving votes. Diego pleaded his case to the Jaguars, who spared him by vetoing the decision. Instantly and with no private ballot, the Eagles had to make another decision. The team voted 4-1 against Jilis, citing her lack of athleticism.

Chapter 2

At Playa Alta, Diego was emotional upon returning from the voting ceremony, where he was initially voted off by the Eagles then saved by the Jaguars. The Jaguars, expecting not to return to Playa Baja, destroyed their camp so that whichever team returned would not have an easy start. Karla and Jonathan refused to help destroy the camp just in case they lost and did have to return. This alienated them from the team and caused an argument between Karla, José and Abril.
At the Territorial Challenge, Hernán (Eagles) called out Yunior (Barracudas) for not being a good sport. The Barracudas won the Territorial Challenge and the Jaguars, again, came in third, returning to the camp they destroyed prematurely. Karla became emotional upon arriving to the destroyed camp and Abril was annoyed by her tears. At Playa Alta, Tinno and Ana Maria discussed Yenny's weight and thought she should diet in order to keep up with the athleticism of the team.
At the Immunity Challenge, things got heated in a full-contact game. Tinno (Barracudas) and Oscar (Jaguars) got close to fighting, but continued with the game. Gustavo (Eagles) left with serious injuries that plagued him in the final challenge. The Eagles and Jaguars reunited to play the final challenge to determine who would vote out a teammate. Hernán gave up in the very end, allowing José to win the challenge for the Jaguars.
Back at their camps, the Eagles and Jaguars worried that the Barracudas would show no mercy and force an injured Gustavo to remain in the game in order to weaken the Eagles team. Abril (Jaguars) expressed her team's view on the Barracudas, calling them arrogant and "dogs." At the voting ceremony, the Eagles voted 3-1 against Gustavo. Gustavo then pleaded to the Barracudas to let him leave. Alejandra, chosen as the representative for the Eagles, asked the Barracudas to show compassion and let Gustavo go, even causing Tinno to cry. The Barracudas allowed Gustavo to leave and his team said a very emotional goodbye.

Chapter 3

The Barracudas began to argue, specifically the men. At the Territorial Challenge, Josephine (Barracudas) was medically evacuated and later removed from the game due to a fractured foot. The competition went on and the Jaguars won the right to stay at Playa Alta for the first time since the game began. The next day, the Jaguars won the Immunity Challenge for the second time. At the final challenge between the Eagles and Barracudas, Yenny got stuck in one of the obstacles and lost her team's lead. However, the men laughed and played around while she struggled to get out of the mud. Finally, the players were told that the time allotted for the game had expired and the Eagles won by default.
At the voting ceremony, Ana Maria expressed that her body was in pain but that she had the will to continue. Yenny, on the other hand, begged the Jaguars to let her leave the game, citing breathing problems and pains in her chest. The Barracudas voted 4-1 against Yenny and the Jaguars agreed to let her leave, despite wanting originally to cripple the strong Barracuda team.

Chapter 4

At the Territorial Challenge, Hernán held the Eagles back and their team was plagued by their canoe constantly sinking during the game. The Jaguars won their second Territorial Challenge in a row, maintaining control of Playa Alta. Later that night, the girls tried to get Oscar not to drink too much and he expressed frustration with their scolding him.
The Immunity Challenge was a challenge that required the teams to hurl a giant rubber ball at the opposing teams' clay pots to knock them down. The Jaguars and Eagles teamed up against the Barracudas, perceived as the strongest team physically and most arrogant. They succeeded and the Eagles won. Back at camp, the Barracudas were shocked that the Eagles ganged up on them instead of targeting the Jaguars, who have all six members intact.
The Elimination Challenge was a basketball challenge played in the mud and led to more heated confrontations. Again, Oscar got close to fighting with some of the Barracudas, shoving Yunior at the end of one round. The Barracudas were victorious and the Jaguars lost their first Elimination Challenge.
The Jaguars planned to eliminate either Abril or Susana. They all felt Abril was not living up to what she said she was capable of (having been in the army) and that Susana was not motivated enough. Susana was also concerned about a serious skin allergy covering her entire body. At the judgement ceremony, the Jaguars voted out Susana 5-1 and the Eagles chose not to veto the decision.

Chapter 5

The Eagles discussed how their decision not to veto the Jaguars' vote was a chance to possibly forge an alliance with them. At the Barracudas' camp, the romance between Tinno and Ana grew. At the Territorial Challenge, the Jaguars came out to an early lead but eventually the Eagles overcame them to win the challenge. The Barracudas again landed in second place and the Jaguars were sent to Playa Baja.
At Playa Baja, Diego found a dead lizard for the Jaguars to eat. José described growing up in Mexico and sometimes not having food, comparing it to Playa Baja. Oscar and Abril clashed over what Oscar viewed as immaturity on her part. José noticed that others were getting fed up with Abril but he enjoyed her company. The Eagles discussed wanting the Barracudas to get rid of Yunior because of his cocky attitude.
The Eagles won their second Immunity Challenge in a row, but Alejandra brought up Diego's lack of athleticism. At the Barracudas' camp, Arturo mentioned that Ana Maria was slowing them down but that since she was the only woman on the team, the men understood.
The Jaguars won the elimination challenge against the Barracudas. Arturo held Tinno responsible for losing the challenge. Arturo and Yunior felt vulnerable because of Tinno and Ana's alliance. Ana felt that she was being called weak just because of her gender. Shockingly, Ana did not receive a single vote. The votes ended up 2-2 between Tinno and Yunior, whose fates were left up to the jury. The Eagles decided to eliminate the stronger of the two: Tinno.

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11


Elimination Votes

Vetoed Decisions

Episode 01: The Aguilas originally voted 3-1-1-1 against Diego, with Diego voting for Hernán, Jilis for Angélica, and Angélica for Jilis.
Episode 02: None
Episode 03: None
Episode 04: None
Episode 05: Since the Barracudas' vote ended up a tie, the Aguilas served as the tiebreakers.
Episode 06: The Barracudas originally voted 5-1 against Jonathan, with Jonathan voting for Abril.
Episode 07: None
Episode 08: The Aguilas originally voted 4-1 against Angélica, with Angélica voting for Oscar.


  1. ^ a b Programas, Univision. "". Univision. Retrieved 15 December 2018.